Reply To: Yeshivah in EY

from Long Island

My son-in-law was in TOMO for a couple of years. He is an intellectual learner, very frum who pays alot of attention to hashkafa, not just straight learning. If you are really really bright this yeshiva has an edge, and if you are not, this yeshiva will help you grow in learning AND medos. FYI, he then went on to Lakewood, but he is not a “Lakewood Bochur type.”

The very bright, very frum from MO families are very comfortable in KBY & Shalavim. The boys going there are very, very, serious about learning, learning on a high level and forming keshers with their Rabbeim and Ram. Many are “black and white” but the Israelis there are just as frum, just as serious about their learning but are Chardal.

Three boys I know well went to those yeshivas and came out even more committed to hashkafa and to learning.

My Israeli nephews went to Shalavim for HS, post high school and kollel. They are Chardal, very frum, very dedicated to learning and earning (they now have large families) the boys I have seen from Shalavim and KBY are the best of the “black hat – upper shiur YU boys” alot of them also end up in Touro and Baltimore, NOT Lakewood.