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shuli, tell me you’re joking! PLEASE
I also tried the Ramban diet and I dont know…ok well I did lost 20 lbs at first but,, I didnt like it. IN fact I have tried plenty of good diets , but I think the problem is me.
I always have good intentions mentally, like tonight for example, I put my head into it and said “TOmmorrow we begin! (that means tommorrow b’ezras Hashem I will go to the track and beginning running again, and weights) BUT BUT…
but I ate a chocolate bar and a bag of hazelnut filling bamba PLUS a jam filled cookie = about 750 calories. YIKES! JUst typing it makes me feel sick.
Ok well I missed a lot of calories all day because I was running around town and not eating properly. But truthfully I Should have much more will power against my yetzer hara and its sickening how a healthy, moral , intelligent woman can willingly stuff a donut in her mouth. ..(did i say “a ” donut. ? Make that 10 or more over the course of Chanuka.
How can I get my old wise strong self back, who ate healthy, who worked towards a better self, a stronger body? Its almost like the pleasure of the choc bar gives me so much pleasure that I feel like “I don’t care” I am going to do it! its so weird.
any advice?
BTguy, how do you know so much about diet ? THat is good sound advice what you gave. I know it works. I lost 60 lbs a few years ago doing that. BUt what makes you so into it?