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I’m not sure what hatred you believe I cause. Halacha cannot be compromised in its own name. Period. Anybody who chooses to do so and claims that Modernity or any other reason allows them to compromise halacha cannot expect to be considered a legitimate derech. I’m not sure what your problem with this is.
Again, please don’t misunderstand my posts. My goal is to discuss what MO and Zionism are, and not, CH”V to hate or condemn anyone. Hashem is the only judge of people, and certainly not, lihavdil, myself. But when gedolim tell us that someone is wrong, then we (ask, if we have questions, and) listen to them.
As for examples, read Rabbi Soloveichik’s own words, where he wrote that Orthodoxy would have to change to fit America. Not only was he wrong about that, but he also wrote that the more one can distance themselves from culture the better it is for the spirit. But MO, instead, makes it a mitzva of engaging with secular culture. He also admitted that he was changing from his Brisker mesorah, and knew that everyone who mattered disagreed with him. Or do you deny this, too? This has all been discussed before.
As for my example earlier, please explain to me why a YU student would write a review of a bar/pub in YUs Commentator magazine and also use relatively crude lishonos in that review. Why would anyone bother to even review it if nobody went and if it were correctly viewed as assur as it is?
I have also, in other threads, pointed out other things even from YU’s own blog.
I have heard that Rabbi Herschel Schachter explained about how fighting in the IDF is *doche pikuach nefesh* as follows: “lichaora” (he did say liChaora, at least), since the State of Israel is a source of national pride, losing the state would be a fatal blow to the spirit of the nation and therefore the loss of life of a soldier in the IDF, CH”V, could be compared to an amputation of a limb needed to save the life of a person.
Remember, this is not pikuach nefesh of the soldier versus potential pikuach nefesh of other Jews, CH”V. This is pikuach nefesh of a soldier versus national pride in the State of Israel to the point that the state is considered the body of Klal Yisrael and its Jews are considered mere appendages.
Please try to tell me he never said that and please explain what he said. Because that is MO and Zionism simply superseding Judaism, never mind the other problems of Zionism.