Reply To: Mercaz Hatorah or Toras Moshe (To-Mo)

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Mercaz Hatorah or Toras Moshe (To-Mo) Reply To: Mercaz Hatorah or Toras Moshe (To-Mo)


Don’t you just love the people that say that they are not mekabel the lashon hara, but as a public service, they’ll pass it on anyway? They say they don’t believe it, they also say that that which they didn’t believe in the first place probably changed, (Kol haomer lo lavisi, k’omer lo parati) but I’ll still share it with the world.

I wish the Mods of this coffeeroom would put a permanent moratorium on people asking for opinions about specific mosdos. It degenerates into a lashon hara about the institutions virtually all the time, which can be a very serious issur. And none of the leaders of those places ever come here to defend themselves anyway! So all you get is one sided innuendo provided by anonymous people!! And the target is Torah!