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I didnt want to start a new thread, maybe someone can help me out here. A neighbor o fmine feeds the strays in our neighborhood and actually makes trails to bring them to her house. Being near her house is so nauseating as the smell is horrible!! Frankly i dont care if she feeds them forever, if not for the fact that they started to come into my back yard at all hours of the night and meow so loud! I think it is only 1 or 2 cats that are consistantly doing this. It sounds like a baby crying which wakes me up every time. They are worse than my kids were as infants! We put out a powder (looks like black pepper) to keep them away and it worked for a few days. (the container said its good for cats dogs and rabbits)

However, it is getting expensive to keep buying and annoying to constantyl powder our driveway and backyard. I’m so fed up with these cats i suggested we put out poison.

Anyone ever had this issue that can help us?!