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tryingtobeagoodjew- hi! i am out of seminary and i am in a secular university. I must tell you that coming out of seminary i was extremly worried about the environment and the lack of yiddishkeit that wud be surrounding me. but i also knew i was strong in my hashkafa, my love for hashem and torah and my judasim.

My university happens to have alot of frum jews (as well as many not religious ones). There is a rabbi on campus and lots of frum jews!! (lots of bais yaaakov and more modern girls alike) and all of us frum jews live at home and commute (20 minute ride). I happen to like it alot. Yes, in an ideal world, i would love to be in an all frum enviornment, but FRIST HAND, i have to tell you that it has only strengthend my love for hashem and torah. I now (more than EVER! even in seminary when i thought i was the happiest) am so happy with who I am. I walk around as a modest, tznioous Jew, making a kiddush hashem for other jews around me who are not frum AND the contrast with goyim in the school make me realize how lucky we are to have a faith so strong and morals so deep.

I know alot of people would disagree with collage/univeristy, but I happen to think it is an opportunity to understand yourself alot better. Also to really feel “kol yisroel ariviem zeh lozeh” – all jews, no matter what hashkafa, we look out for each other and its really beautiful.