Reply To: Shalom Bayis Question

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A few questions.

1. Was she spoiled as a child? It may be that she just isn’t used to doing anything.

2. What does she do all day? Does she keep busy or does she waste her time?

3. Is she a lazy person by nature?

I also want to say that just because she doesn’t clean doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about her home. People are complex and there can be sometimes one of 10 or more reasons why they don’t do a certain thing, or do a certain thing and its usually not what you assume at first glance. You really have to think into it and who the person is and their personality and upbringing…

Also, a marriage is not a 50-50 partnership. Get that idea out of your head if that’s your idea of it. There are marriages where the wife does 70% and the husband 30% and vice versa. Or even more extreme. Every marriage is different because no 2 men and women are the same. Everyone has different natures and capabilities.

A third thing is you can’t judge your wife for the way she is when she is pregnant. Shes a different person then. Try to focus on the way she was before she was pregnant and see if your concerns are still in line with who that person is.

Most importantly, she is your wife and you love her and to succeed in marriage you will have to compromise many times. Communication and compromise is essential to a healthy marriage. You can be stubborn and try to be “right” all the time but you will be right and your wife will be miserable and neither of you will then be happy. Always focus on keeping marital harmony even if it requires you to “give in” much more often then you would like.