Reply To: I don't know if I can handle this . . .

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Thanks to all of you for the kind words. I appreciate them.

I hope I did not give the impression that I was looking for a way out. To the contrary, I thank God every day that I have the ability to daven for the amud (almost) every day – I know many people that can’t, or won’t. We are lucky in that there are not many people in the shule saying kaddish, and we don’t all attend the same minyanim during the week.

Incidentally, I’ll pass along something I heard from my parent’s shule rabbi after we finished sitting shiva. He quoted The Rav in saying that one should not wish another “only simchas,” since that is not the natural way of life. Instead, we should say that we hope that we are zoche that HKB”H will give us the strength to get through the rough times.