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In honor of Yom Kippur, let’s make fun of people who don’t keep the mitzvos. In this way we will emulate R’ Akiva ?’ ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ?????

I will start.

You know the women’s minyanim who want to lein, but they want to pretend they care about halacha, so they don’t say birchas hatorah in the morning so they can say it when they are “called up”.

So I decided I want to bring korbanos. But there is no beis hamikdash, and I’m not a kohen. So what I do, is that I make shevuos and nedarim, and basically create for myself all the halachos. Like I’ll take a sheep every day, and swear I must bring it with all the halachos of a tamid. I leave out the ones I can’t do, like I say I am allowed to be tamei. On shabbos, I have my goyish neighbor do it for me, since I can’t shecht.

Anyway, my problem is that this morning during pesukei d’zimrah, I was making my korban todah like I always do, and I forgot that we don’t bring a todah today.

But I already made it. And I said it would be piggul if I don’t eat it before the end of the zman. And it is too much to eat, and I make it so only I can eat it because I know other people think it’s a joke.

So can I eat it on yom kippur?

(This is me doing teshuva before yom kippur for the serious thread I made on tisha b’av.)

Posted 4 months ago #