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I’m no expert on L”H, and certainly no paragon of virtue in this area. However, I’m personally afraid of making decisions (such as posting my negative opinions on a specified group) on my own with my own determination of “toeles”, without a very thorough review of the laws, or alternatively, a consultation with a rav versed in these laws.

I remember when I used to have a regular seder in the laws of L”H, and the guidelines for “toeles” were stringent. I understand your feelings, but from studying the sefer, I’m not sure if a personal feeling of “if we discuss this publicly on our forum and they make some changes, I might donate and they’ll get more” passes the criteria. Especially, especially, on such a public forum. Especially since there is no reason to think that this particular public discussion is going to have a direct effect on the possible toeles outcome.

It’s possible that you will discuss this with a rav expert in the laws of L”H, or study them in depth and breadth yourself, and get a psak/determine that it is indeed fine to do so. But L”H is dangerous territory with terrible nitzchius, and for your own sakes, would best be handled with extreme of caution and double-checking.

Please be moichel me for the perceived “mussar”; I could use some myself, and perhaps I’m attuned to it because I am nichshol myself.