Reply To: When Parents Don’t Support a Shidduch…

Home Forums Shidduchim When Parents Don’t Support a Shidduch… Reply To: When Parents Don’t Support a Shidduch…


All parents envisage a certain type of partner as suitable for their child. Not always is this what the child envisages for themselves! Sometimes a child gets smitten by someone and it is extremley difficult to see clearly behind the outer to the inner. Sometimes it works the other way round – parents see a ‘dream’ partner who in reality is not suited to the child but is only suited in their own dream world

One question I do have is whether the person in question who is dating is dating with or without the knowledge and approval of their parents.

Smarty12 there are many questions that lie behind your original question but what I would suggest is all parties sit down with someone who is respected by both the person who is dating and the parents to discuss this logically and without rowing.