Reply To: When Parents Don’t Support a Shidduch…

Home Forums Shidduchim When Parents Don’t Support a Shidduch… Reply To: When Parents Don’t Support a Shidduch…


Over the last several years, Moreinu HaRav Hagaon Shloimele Rosenbaum, shlita, has met with numerous boys and girls, along with their parents. He always stresses to the parents that they should have limited say in the matter of shidduchim, and that a child is far more in touch with what he or she needs, as opposed to what the parents want.

HaRav Rosenbaaum, shlita, has also forcefully come out against the shtussim that goes on with shidduchim – looking at the girls’ dress size, tablecloth color and food choices on Shabbos, camps the girl attended, and so on. He works hard to get the boys and girls of his community (near Tzfas) married as young as possible. It’s not unusual for all the girls from a particular high school graduating class to be engaged before they graduate!