Reply To: To the-art-of-moi: (Sorry if I spelled it wrong)

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee To the-art-of-moi: (Sorry if I spelled it wrong) Reply To: To the-art-of-moi: (Sorry if I spelled it wrong)


TAOM: Thanks for trying to make me feel better….the only reason I have a Kesher with Hashem that is awesome is cuz I LOVE HIM SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! I know, Im JUST LIKE YOU!!!!! I stopped….a LONG time ago writing about my problems here, that dosent mean I found someone else to tell them too…..quite the opposite. I got pushed by a good friend into shutting it all away in me cuz she couldnt deal with me anymore….

I ALSO dont want to overburden a mentor

I ALSO have no connection with my parents

I ALSO cant do therapy….

I ALSO just want someone to trust….

But I know its all for the good. I cant seem to do anything right…….

The only person I have left is Hashem….I have friends….friends that Im not ready to trust….

I can’t write anymore cuz I’m crying now…..and my fingers wont type anymore…

I feel like such a failure….Im trying to do so much for HaShem….while all these things are on my mind and my problems inside..and it…just…aint…working

Streekgeek and OURtorah: Cant write seoerate responses right now, just read the above