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thanks for the advice, all those things like combat and… are things that I am aware of and might work, but for me they did not work for complete removal.

Therefore, I figured I would try the things that I never tried yet which is the plug ins and roach rabbi. (I just bought 2 “Victor” plug ins to try out.)

“happiest” thanks for the advice, but I tried to google the roach rabbi and nothing came up, DO YOU KNOW THE EXACT WEBSITE/ADDRESS TO GO IN ORDER TO PRINT OUT THE PICTURE of the ROACH rabbi?

Also, “bar bay rav” and “zahavasdad” notice that you both quoted different rabonim?? I assumed that the mice rabbi is one specific rabbi.

In addition, thanks for the advice of the mice rabbi, but someone told me there is a SEPARATE RABBI FOR ROACHES.

Those of u who told me to use the mice rabbi, do you know from experience that the mice rabbi works for the roaches too?