Reply To: Tehillim Asifa

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Tehillim Asifa Reply To: Tehillim Asifa


You guys make it sound like only gedolim have daas torah and that regular yidden have no vhochma and therefore can’t make an asifa. Saying tehillim to save other Jews is a great cause. It brings us all together, and it is really powerful. Unfortunately, there’s politics and you’ll have some rabbis say to go, and some say to stay away which causes even more separation of the klal. We can’t afford to keep fighting . This is why moshiach isn’t here yet. If I wanted to make a tehillim asifa tomorrow, I’d do it. I want all the Jews together. We can save the bochurim, and save the secular Israelis also. It’s about saving the klal as a while. If the tzibur would think about other yidden and not just their own needs, I think it can do a lot of good and bring moshiach bimheira viyameinu.

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