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I’m not sure whether you would consider a non-Chareidi place, but I cannot say enough good things about Migdal Oz, a beautiful seminary located in Gush Etzion. It is a relatively large place that attracts very intelligent and inspired, motivated girls, mostly from dati le’umi backgrounds, but not exclusively. I have not seen another seminary with as strong a faculty as this place. They are given three meals a day there, which is something that not all seminaries can claim. Moreover, they are located outside of Yerushalayim, which provides students with an ability to focus on their studies. The majority of the girls are Israeli, though there is a sizable group of Americans and other foreign students. If you are interested I can tell you more about this place. As someone who learned in yeshiva for many years, and as a father, it is a very inspiring place to which I would love to send my daughter one day. I think they have a website with information about the place, and maybe also a short video.