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(women rely)… more on intuition “

Interesting that you point that out. That is an advantage that Hashem gave to women. It is why Hashem told Avraham Avinu to listen to all that his wife told him to do, because Sara’s Binah Yesaira told her that Yishmael would always be a danger to Yitzchak. It is why Rivka encouraged Yaakov to pretend to be Esav. She knew intuitively that Esav could never be the father of klal Yisroel, even as Yitzchal logically expected him to be, because “tzayid b’feev.” It is the reason that Rochel sought to hide her father’s terafim, because they were detrimental to the spirituality and kedusha of her family.

Women have throughout our history, proven to have the right instincts and intuition. It is because usually, women are better at reading subtle facial and other physical signals that people give off unconsciously, and at making quick decisions based on those signals. Men do NOT typically have this ability to the same degree, specifically BECAUSE they are more linear and so-called logical in their thinking.