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The Ben Ish Chai brings a story about SHidduchim:

A carpenter called Avrohom living in Yerushalayim had a large sum of money stolen from his house one night by a thief. The thief escaped to Ein Gedi desert, where he got lost and died of thirst. A guy called Eliyahu was touring Ein Gedi, found a Meis Mitzvah and buried him, taking the money for himself, before returning home to Bnei Brak and hiding the money in a hollow tree in his garden.

That day, his father died, and he forgot about the money. During the shiva week, a big storm uprooted the trees all over the neighborhood.

After the Shiva, it was Eliyahu’s job to provide money for the family, and he traveled to Jerusalem, looking for a job. He was hired as an apprentice by none other than … Avraham the Carpenter.

Avraham went to collect lumber from the lake, where all the fallen trees were lying. He opened up one, and found his money, lying in it’s original wallet. He told Eliyahu the miraculous story of how his money stolen from him was returned in a tree. Eliyahu told him HIS part of the story.

Avrohom insisted that Eliyahu should take the money, but Eliyahu refused. So, suspecting that Eliyahu was embarrased to take the money, he asked his wife to bake a cake and hide the money inside, and gave it to Eliyahu before Eliyahu’s holiday.

Eliyahu unsuspectingly took the cake, and rode on his horse and wagon out of Jerusalem. A border guard searched his carriage, saw the cake and asked to buy it. Eliyahu sold it to him.

Meanwhile, the guard went and gave the cake as a wedding gift that night… and you can guess who made the wedding. Avraham the CArpenter.

The conclusion was that Avraham, so impressed by the boy’s middos and charm, suggested that Eliyahu marry his daughter, and the happy couple took the money… and lived happily ever after…