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MY MEMORIES OF SCHOOL involve a case when two boys had a fight in class, with the rebbi in attendance. One of the boys lost his temper and went to call the principal. When the principal came he asked the rebbi what had happened so the guy lied and said that he wasn’t watching. The kid told the rebbi “But you saw” So the principal told the kid to apologize for not addressing the rebbi with respect. I mean, how do you respect a man who obviously has no sense of responsibilty? There were a couple of similar stories too.


My son’s school on the other hand seems to have good responsible and warm rebbe’im. Beleive it or not, my son was always made to remove his shoes a couple of times in school, sometimes for wearing sneakers for tefillos [although you’re allowed to wear sneakers on sunday, so i am unsure how it can teach kovoid hatefilla,] once for leavingthe school premises without permission etc.. It’s not done regalrly.

When we brought the issue with my son;s rebbi,he told us “nothing will happen to your son spending time in a heated carpeted classroom in socks. Soething will happen if we allow alll the schoool rules to be hefker.” And you know something, he was right.