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There was this little storage closet off our classroom in high school. One day, during our lunch break, a class mate of mine had to use a certain device that was not allowed on school grounds. So as we all did, she opened the storage room and was about to closet herself in it when she suddenly shrieked. She slammed that door so hard and sweared she saw a mouse. So of course we did not believe her so we all gathered round while someone bravely opened the door so we can all check it out. Indeed, there was a mouse. So being the mature girls we were, we planned that during the next class someone would nonchalantly open the door and the mouse will probably dart out and BOOM! We wouldn’t have class. So that’s what happened. Except that once the door was open and everyone was holding their feet up, nothing happened. After class we checked up on our dear friend who was supposed to be out partner in crime. And s/he was dead! That was the first and probably last time I was so upset to see a dead mouse.