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Luckily I’ve never had mice in my house (though one memorable summer I was sprayed by a skunk in my backyard), but I will never forget going to a friend’s house and being a witness to her and her mother nonchalantly extricating a dead squirrel from my friend’s closet as I sat there and watched. They were both teasing me about how I’m from Monsey (they live in the city) so I should be used to animals- I retorted that I’m used to seeing them alive in the trees. (Or as roadkill, but that’s a discussion for a different day.)

In school, though, we had mice for quite a while when I was in ninth and tenth grades. There was a certain food policy in school that led to food being left around in a few places that turned out to be near existing mouse holes. Encouraged by the buffet, the mice emerged and caused quite a bit of chaos. The climax was one day when everyone was davening mincha and suddenly someone in the front began to shriek- a mouse had run over her feet as she was about to begin shmoneh esrei. The entire school pretty much jumped onto our chairs and waited (through mincha and half of the next class) for the mouse to vanish- it was not long after that that we had that particular food policy canceled.