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lammed hey

Shoshana Miriam Bas Sorel:

Let me preface that I hate to post this. I only like to post happy things, but I feel a reality check is needed. :-/

I wish you the best of luck finding a shidduch. Unfortunately, I suspect you will still be waiting (C”V, I truly hope I am wrong) when you will come to compromise on something and only then find your zivug. True learning boys are either “Harry” (who are serious but not quite yeshivish, and may have gone to college), looking for money (with the hechsher of their Rosh Yeshiva, who would hate for them to leave learning after 5-10 years) or looking for Yichus. No fault of yours, but saving from the age of 13 (unless you have a trust fund) does not compare to a sucessful businessman who is serious about supporting his daughter, and there (as you have learned) are very few real learners out there, who would be willing to sacrifice for their learning. The best learners (which you are rightfully looking for) have always married the rich mans daughter (and nothing came of them) or the rosh yeshiva’s daughter (and possibly became a gadol).

If you are serious, then from your discription of what you are looking for you may want to date chofetz chaim guys, and you should have job skills that are exportable to Israel. You will also want to look for someone who is mistapek bemuat and happy to do so, as you will need it (and start shopping at SYMS, not Marshalls. Better selection and cheaper prices during BASH :-).

I wish you only Hatzlocha.

Re Nameless: Agreed, but she wants to marry someone who will go into Kiruv, not business.