?? ?-?? ??????? on Purim

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    What is the appropriate way to beautify the mitzva of getting drunk on purim?

    Of course, it is a hiddur to drink nice wines and other nice drinks. But, does it go further?

    Should one use a fancy bowl for vomiting in?

    Should one have fancy perfumes to spray in the vomit pools?

    What hiddurim are you noheig?

    (Hat tip, some dude on dans deals, for this idea)


    Make sure to vomit on an expensive rug.


    lock the drunk guy in the fancy restroom


    I generally only drink good wines nothing cheap. I also try not to get drunk to the point where my kishkes want to come out. Too old for that and I hate the feeling.


    1) You must wear a costume for a hiddur.

    2) The wine in your right hand because you have to make a brocha on it, so the lulav should be in your left hand.

    L’chaim yidden, L’chaim!


    if you learn like the brisker rav, maybe try to drink the most the fastest, and get drunk the quickest. i guess the shailah is if the mitzva is the drinking till ad dilo yada, or being in a matziv of ad dilo yada. if the shtiyah isnt only a heichee timtza then the above might be true, crazy as it sounds.


    TL;DR: Don’t get drunk

    But the same passage goes on to report that Rabba and Rav Zeira became drunk on Purim, so much so that Rabba slaughtered Rav Zeira with a knife. The latter was revived only by a miracle. When Rabba invited Rav Zeira to a Purim celebration the following year, Rav Zeira wisely declined.

    Do not post links


    see Pachad Yitzchok, the maase of Rabba & Rav Zeira demonstrated tchiyas hamaisim


    @yageir there is a machlokes in the meforshim and the poskim how to read that gemora (and what the conclusion of the gemora is) – i am not sure why you are calling one “correct”. In fact the gemora says that Rabba wanted to do the same the next year!

    @WIY never knew hating the feeling had anything to with being old

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