????? out at work?

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    In general, I have usually worn my ????? out. I was inspired by the ???? ????? who says that this is a garment given to us by ?’ and we should not be ashamed of it… rather we should wear it proudly and show it off to the world. However, as I am almost about to enter the working world, I am unsure of how to proceed.

    On the one hand, to the outside world, wearing ????? out looks very unkempt and weird. It could have financial ramifications as it may stand in the way of a job offer or promotion as people don’t like to hire people who dress messily. Plus, I have been told, that in a working environment, you don’t want to do things that make you stand out from your co-workers. You’re part of a team, and wearing certain things could isolate you from your partners. On top of the fact that there are may opinions that say that you do not have to wear ????? out (I have even heard that some say you shouldn’t as wearing it out might be ?????- a display of arrogance), and I don’t think I know any frum people who wear their ????? out at work.

    But on the other hand, if I tuck my ????? in, wouldn’t that be doing that thing that the ???? ????? speaks so strongly against? I’m not wearing them in because of a Halchic reason, I’m wearing them in because I’m embarrassed! I’m wearing them in because of the potential negative ramifications that may come from wearing them out! Is that hypocritical, since the very reason I wear them out in the first place because I’m proud to wear them?


    IMO it depends on what job you get, If you get a job as a rebbe, you can wear them out.

    But if you get a job at a fancy Wall street job, dont wear them out as it appears unkempt and weird.

    The Frumguy

    Rav Moshe has a p’sak on this.


    Tzizis out of work? oy vey let them get on food stamps like everyone else they can support themselves a long time like that they can string it out forever living on the fringes of society.


    I have never worn them out at home or at work, but I know someone who worked (for a short time) as a NYC public school teacher with his tzitzis out. He said he had no problems. YMMV depending on what kind of job it is and how people dress (NYC public school teachers are not paragons of sartorial splendor). You’re going to stand out to some degree because you wear a yarmulke. You need to decide how much you want to stand out.


    If you are in a situation where wearing them out can cost you your parnassah, there is no chiyuv to do that. Even the WEARING of Tzitzis is not the actual mitzvah. The mitzvah is that IF you wear a four-cornered garment, you must put tzitzis on it, so that when you look at it you will remember all the mitzvos. In order to ensure that men can be mekayeim this mitzvah we deliberately fashion 2 four-cornered garments, taleisim and a talis kotton, so that men would always have a specific four cornered garment to wear with tzitzis on them.

    So it stands to reason that if blatantly displaying the tzitzis in the workplace could be harmful to someone’s parnassah, he should save that display for a place where it will not cause controversy and possible Chillul Hashem (“look at those Jew slobs with their underwear hanging out”). The ikker of the din is to look at the garment and remember the mitzvos. That can be done privately.


    I believe it was the Ramchal who said that not wearing tzitzis is one of the worst things a person could do, precisely because it is not a chiyuv.

    The mitzvah as we know it today is a fashion statement, declaring one’s pride to be a member of God’s army. Being ashamed of that is, in a way, being ashamed to be a Jew.

    Imagine a soldier in the IDF telling his commander that although everyone else wears green, he wants to wear blue. It’s never happened.


    Goq – I’m a frayed that I do knot agree with your argument. There is a big hole right in the middle of it! Follow it to any logical end, and you will see that it completely and utterly twisted.


    There’s a difference between being embarrassed to wear your Tzitzis out and tucking them in in a situation where it would appear improper. You’re not embarrassed, you just know that it would look bad for your job.


    Goq- it says that tzitzis is out at work, not of work. So it does have job


    lol very good mobico!

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