#1 things a girl should know or have before going to seminary in Israel:

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    By that reasoning, since regulations and enforcement have changed, relying on R’ Moshe’s heter nowadays, anywhere, is also by extension.

    DY: would you mind please elaborating on this?


    Btw, im younger then sem. I think we asked Rabbi Brezak….Im not sure, as long as i know what is om to eat and not, id rather not get into a bunch of sidcusions about this gemara and rabbi or wtvr u men fight about


    I think we asked Rabbi Brezak

    Try asking your own Rabbi (the one who’s shul you daven in). I promise he won’t bite you.

    Im not sure, as long as i know what is om(k) to eat and not

    You don’t. That is the problem. And then you go ahead and try to tell others based on your wrong ideas.

    Truthfully (not to be condescending), you are a little young for a Moreh Horah. I’ll drop the subject as well, but once again strongly suggest that you learn the subject. Learning about Kashrus, Shabbos & Choshen Mishpat is way more worthwhile in your life (both spiritually and Mitzva-wise) than “learning” Ramban, Radak, Nach and other “non-actionable” Limudim (what Chazal called “Tiflus”, or secondary learning).


    Yes lets, anyway you cant blame me, i havent learned since like junior high…..


    Yes lets, anyway you cant blame me, i havent learned since like junior high…..

    Busy Shopping? 🙂


    I wish…..


    thanks again everyone who stayed on topic 😉 lol and gave me more stuff!


    Welcome, hope your friend enjoys the gift!

    P.S. How do you know she dosent post here and has read evrrything already?


    nah dw she tells me im addicted and she would never let herself go on.. maybe one day ill be like her 🙂

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