5 Hour Energy Drinks

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    Have you ever tried them? do they work? any side effects?


    they are very dangerous. stay aways from them


    I just put extra coffee in my cup if I’m really tired, another teaspoon always does the trick (and doesn’t cost three bucks). At night I’ll drink Red Bull if I’m driving or something, because I find that the effect wears off quicker and I am able to fall asleep (also lots of times I’m fleishig at night). Never tried the five hour energy thingamajigs. Maybe I will.


    It’s just caffeine at really high price.

    Caffeine lasts about 5 hours in the body.


    Red Bull doesn’t work for me. 🙁


    I’ve found that if I’m getting sleepy, and need to be up, two small squares of dark chocolate has enough caffeine to do the trick.


    I have used when driving through the night. I drank it when i started getting that zoned feeling (2 a.m.), if you know what i’m talking about. While I can’t say it got me wide awake and perky, I can say that I wasn’t drowsy and I was able to drive for a few more hours. Lasted me till sunrise which always wakes me up.

    While I am sure the main ingredient is caffeine, there is plenty of other stuff in there. While I can’t prove there was no placebo effect, it did work better than coffee works for me.


    OneOfMany – If you really need it, you can always take a caffeine pill. They should do the trick. Just don’t get addicted to them, although from what I gather the problem with them is not addiction per se as much as that when you keep taking them you forget that your body actually needs the rest, which can be very dangerous.


    Wow, I didn’t even know such a thing existed…maybe I’ll try it.


    thanks for all the responses, mewho what is dangerous about it?

    i did try the 5 hour this past week and i think it helped but who knows.

    YW Moderator-42

    The Goq, are you still exercising? They (the health articles on YWN) say that proper health (exercise and eating healthy) can be a big help in giving you energy. While caffeine might be good for its immediate effect, good health (and good sleep habits) is probably better in the long run.


    You are right 42, no i havent been exercising of late that is a big part of the problem.


    Ultimately, Moderator 42 is correct.

    But arent some of those 5 hour things the Vitamin B’s or something like that; all natural stuff?

    By the way, to keep up on busy days that start very early and end late, I throw in a few tablespoons Chia Seeds in oatmeal, cereal, and even eggs, and I can tell the difference. They work as they were advertised. They are Spectrum Essentials brand and are OU.

    I get mine at Wegmans and the bag is about $8

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