50 years sgo, diabolical Hitler’s שר”י agent was attacked [Nazis in Arabia]

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee 50 years sgo, diabolical Hitler’s שר”י agent was attacked [Nazis in Arabia]

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    50 years sgo, diabolical Hitler’s שר”י agent was attacked.

    ‘Hitler and His Henchmen,’, 1967. p.109:

    Target For Israeli Agents 

    Kurt von Gottberg , a witness at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, testified: “It was a practice of Dirlewanger’s brigade to seize villages, shut the inhabitants in barns and houses, set the buildings afire and shoot down the human torches when they tried to escape.” 

    Dirlewanger buried wounded prisoners alive, then dallied to hear their screams as they slowly suffocated.

    He also enjoyed giving girls lethal injections with a hypodermic needle. After watching them die in agony, he would have their bodies boiled for soap. 

    Now old and senile, Hitler’s most degenerate monster lives in constant fear that even his concentration camp guards will not be able to save him from the secret  agents who have stalked him for 17 years.

    Another inhuman monster, Major Alois Anton Brunner, learned recently that his crimes have not been forgotten. Eichmann’s most successful deportation expert, Brunner sent millions of Jews to Nazi death camps, conducting mass round-ups in Berlin, Vienna, Paris, Salonika and Bratislava. 

    For five years, he carried out “the final solution of the Jewish question” with ruthless efficiency. 

    A Vienna court sentenced him to hang in May, 1946, but he escaped and fled to Egypt. Brunner changed his name to George Fischer and pretended, as had so many other fugitive Nazis, to be a respectable exporter-importer.

    He later became Nasser’s secret police adviser in Syria.

    On September 18, 1961</b>, Brunner went to the main post office in Damascus to pick up his mail. 

    He received three letters and a small parcel wrapped in brown paper. As he opened the package, it exploded. He was badly burned on the face, chest and arms . Several postal clerks and customers also were hurt by the bomb blast. 

    Lt. Col. Abdul Hamis Sarraj , Nasser’s vice president in Syria and chief of Syrian secret police, personally rushed Brunner to a hospital – an indication of the ex-Nazi’s importance in the Nasser regime. 

    Surgeons saved Brunner’s life, but had to remove his right eye. 

    His only visitors at the hospital were Nasser politicians and police officials. Secret policemen, some of them Arabized Germans, surrounded the hospital and guarded Brunner’s private room night and day.

    Ten days after the assassination attempt, Syria broke away from Nasser’s United Arab Republic.

    Syrian security forces arrested Brunner as his bodyguards were trying to smuggle him out of the hospital. Along with Sarraj and other Nasser.

    He then lived in Syria. Helping Assad regime.

    After his death שר”י
    G. Walters wrote:
    Hitler’s Henchmen in Arabia – Dec 7, 2014 —

    Nazi Alois Brunner’s confirmed death in Damascus reveals an uncomfortable truth: Egypt and Syria have long ties to Nazi Germany and long provided sanctuary to fugitive war criminals.


    The United States also employed Nazi scientists in the Mercury space program in the early ‘60s.

    Amil Zola

    ST it’s called Operation Paperclip.


    Unless I misheard this, I was pretty sure that the Baath Party was the Arab version of the Nazi party, a full splinter group.
    Egypt, Syria, and Iraq never employed any scientists to go to the moon afaik.


    5TResident, true, but didn’t emply them in anti Jewish hare propaganda.. Whereas Egypt did! In a combination of using them as a tool against Jews.

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