Trump “wealth”

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    Gadol, how much did you earn? Maybe between your and jackk new found wealth, you could make a donation for a bonus to mods and a better posting interface.


    It is down to 22.75


    AAQ: Unfortunately, it is very difficult to short DJT so its been a missed opportunity. A
    As you may be aware, it went down another 15% today so its now down from $68/share to $22/share but of course, the MAGA meshugaim posting on Truth Social and Reddit are calling it the “buying opportunity of a lifetime” while their hero sits in court in lower Manhattan making faces at prospective jurors. They are convinced the declining prices are all part of Trump’s plan and somehow they will wake up in the AM and it will explode to $100/share.

    I’m putting all my 401K in l’havedel, pork bellies.


    Gadol, I am not playing the market. Trying to live off honest parnosa and average US small-cap growth. Why is it difficult to short?

    A really missed opportunity was the moment it became 90% clear that DJT wins the election. The market went down, I think for several hours, and then way up and up. It was 100% clear to me what was happening – analysts in their hubris and personal bias did not bother to prepare a market scenario based on DJT win. So, in panic, they withdrew the money, spend a couple of hours analyzing DJT policies and invested accordingly. Unfortunately, it would take me same number of hours to learn how to find appropriate instruments to invest …


    Why is [DJT] difficult to short?

    Few shares available to “borrow”/relatively low float.


    To be fair, it is up to 33.19. Someone must be pumping and dumping. Soon will return to below 20.


    Channeling my inner Jackkkk: DJT is up 45% in the last day. Still difficult to short?


    DJT 58% up from 2 days ago. Jackkk is so smart not shorting. I admire the high quality of his indecision. This investing policy is a classic shev velotaaseh.


    Truth Social has been having some beautiful rallies on the market in the last few weeks. The Donald’s stake, alone, is now worth $6 Billion. That’s not accounting for the billions he’s worth outside of Truth Social.

    As far as the short sellers of Truth Social are concerned? So far this year they’ve lost $216 million.



    Glad I put in a disclaimer before.

    Who knows why Trump’s stock is going up ?

    Surely not because the underlying business is doing any better.


    jackk, your loss in shorting the shares is worth your gain in humbleness



    Is it called humbleness when all I have learned is to never bet against Trump? I do not play the market.


    Imagine The Donald cashing out just 17% of his holdings in Truth Social today. (The Board of Directors, which he controls, could authorize him selling early.)

    That would mean $1 Billion in cash. He’d still have another $5 Billion in Truth Social shares after cashing out $1 Billion.

    And then he can pump that $1 Billion into his 2024 presidential campaign.


    Pardon me for my cynicism, but Trump will never use his own money when he can collect donations from supporters, people who want favors and countries who want bigger favors.

    ☕️coffee addict

    “Pardon me for my cynicism, but Trump will never use his own money when he can collect donations from supporters, people who want favors and countries who want bigger favors“

    This was said about someone that didn’t take a paycheck while being president


    jackk > Is it called humbleness when all I have learned is to never bet against Trump?

    you are even humble about your humbleness!

    > I do not play the market.

    Of course, you won’t admit it now!

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