Okay,how about “elevating the mundane”
a few examples:
1.Changing a baby is a chesed.You are making the wet/cold/etc. child warm/dry/comfortable.
2.Washing dishes may be a thankless chore, but every act that contributes to a family living in a neat/clean environment ENABLES EACH PERSON TO FOCUS ON his or her personal goals.(Yes,they can pitch in,but that is not my focus here)
3.Taking out the garbage-same as above,and if you are a husband or child–you are DOING A CHESED.
4.listening to someone go on and on about their problems–chesed,teaching yourself patience,tolerance,ahavas habrios…
5.shopping-discipline (if on a budget),helping,caring for your family,ENABLING YOUR FAMILY TO EXPERIENCE SIMCHA(shabbos/yom tov purchases)