A Thought I Had on this Parsha

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    I don’t have a Makor for this so if anyone can tell me whether I’m right or wrong I’d appreciate it, but here goes:

    Last year it came up in a discussion in the CR about the relevance of Tz’lofchad not having been involved in any Cheit in the Midbar and dying for his own sin. I thought that it was just their argument but that L’ma’aseh they would have received their share anyway. This year, however, I thought that maybe their point is that if their father had been part of Adas Korach then his share would have been forfeit, meaning his daughters couldn’t get it. Then I thought that maybe that’s why the Passuk talks about Dasan and Aviram and Adas Koras earlier in the Parsha when going through those who got a Chelek Ba’aretz. The Passuk mentions them to show that those involved did not get a Chelek. (Also, see Bava Basra 118b)


    Not that you need my say so, but I believe you’re correct.


    Sam2 – youre in luck. the ksav sofer onm this weeks parshah says that exact pshat. he says that harugei BDs’ nachla goes hefker (maybe?), and harugei malchus goes their nachlah to the king. heyos the rebellion was against moshe who had a din of a melech, it wouldve gone to him. so they said, he wasnt part of the rebellion. vdok!


    Nice p’shat, Sam. Even nicer that you are in such good company as the Ksav Sofer. Yasher koach.



    Thanks for the Ksav Sofer, I was wondering about this inyan as well.


    Toi: Thanks for that Mareh Makom.

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