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  • #611875

    New website for married frum men. Can discuss everything you do on yeshiva world, except more boring because there are no women to take your troll threads seriously.

    Also can discuss everything you already discuss on Imamother, but without writing “my husband wants to know”.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    there are no women to take your troll threads seriously.

    Then what’s the point?


    Shouldn’t it be called AbbaFather?


    Georgieporgieism is illegal.

    The little I know

    I am all for new websites that offer support, wisdom from the experienced, and chizuk. However, imamother.com has countless threads where “professional” advice is dispensed from peers who lack training, and is regularly followed by women experiencing a wide range of issues. This is most destructive, and cannot be eliminated because of the anonymity as well as free speech. If any other website picks up on that travesty, I wish it failure.


    I am all for new websites that offer support, wisdom from the experienced, and chizuk. Imamother.com has countless threads where professional advice is dispensed from peers who have training, and is regularly followed by women experiencing a wide range of issues. This is most productive, and should not be eliminated because of the anonymity or free speech. If any other website picks up on that travesty, I wish it success.

    The little I know


    What is acceptable or good about bad advice? If you would only know how many divorces are caused by that advice, you might think again. I am all in favor of much of the other activity. But there are certain questions that when seeking advice should be addressed to professionals. Otherwise, peer advice can emanate from sources other than true knowledge of the situation. I speak of this from first hand experience of seeing several women badly misguided through this website. Chizuk is one thing. Guidance is something else.



    The little I know


    Someone needs to give you your space(s).

    Shopping613 🌠

    Ya, sure, they also made MevogeretTeen, it’s the hottest place for frum female teens these days….


    I’m female, yet never even gained entry to imamother.

    Do not ever say there’s no elitism among OJers. They’ve perfected it to a “t”

    P.S. Why not also “Mevogeret Yuppies” (or its Jewish equivalent)? I just might belong somewhere there, but even that’s questionable.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    I don’t know why you havent gained entry, unless its for married women only and you are single. Either way, I wouldn’t be sorry.

    I think it is a dangerous place for some people. I have friends who were having some serious marital trouble and found all kinds of support for their “bad” behavior (not wanting to communicate, keeping secrets) from others struggling with the same issues. Some people will get heterim for some very specific and personal issues and post them as “options” available for the taking. Someone who is struggling with certain laws may look for a mentor to answer their questions, or they can just post a bunch of grievances and find a bunch of people to back them on the validity of their complaints. Support is extremely important, but bull sessions that threaten marriages are really dangerous. These are things I have personally experienced/read there, not third party.


    P.S. BTW, the post I mentioned above is non-findable by me anymore. It was entitled “where to find non-existent forum i’m seeking” and mentioned how I need to listen to radio to get to hear deep thoughtful topics such as stem cells, ZPE, crop circles & so forth, instead of the constant thoughtlessness, mercenariness & harshness i’m up against in FFB circles.

    Aren’t forums supposed to offer a left-sidebar, where you can List Subscriptions (to see all the threads you’re subscribed to)? And where is the User CP to simplify my password mnemonically??

    I’m finding navigation very very confusing.

    All I want is a non-chauvinistic, non-mercenary, intelligent, OJ forum, so that I can occasionally communicate to likeminded people who (like myself) so happened to be born into the FFB world, even if we don’t belong on Earth altogether.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I’m finding navigation very very confusing.

    Click your username on the top left of the page. That will give you some of the options you want.

    Also, what are ZPE and crop circles?

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    crop circles – google them. I couldn’t do them justice.

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