Achieving unity

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    While achieving unity can be quite difficult, there is a simple thing that we can each do to take a step towards it. That is to look at a fellow Jew with a loving eye, especially one that is different. Instead of he is too this or that, think family member with a different personality. Chag Sameach everyone


    I beg everyone to accept and listen to what you wrote cause the second Bais Hanukkah.was destroyed due to baseless hatred and lack of achdus so if everyone listens to you and unity returns to k lal Yisroel then Mashiach can come


    Unity usually means I am correct and you should agree with me, not that I should agree with you


    Thats the problem. And yes I’ve caught myself judging too. Then I think, don’t do that.

    Judging leads to arrogance, and Hashem despises that. He wants us to be humble and judge favorably the average Joe. When we improve our mindset, we can accomplish unity and bring redemption

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