all 48 states!!

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    I want to go on a trip this summer, touring all 48 contiguous US states. Anyone ever done it ,or know a good route, resources, shuls and such?

    A nony mouse

    There are 50 states in total


    note the word contiguous the dictionary definition; physically adjacent; neighbouring




    that’s also a good word, but that’s beside the point. do you have any advice?


    Google maps.


    Read the question. I don’t think google maps has information about shuls, places to buy kosher food, etc.


    To be or not to be

    That is the question

    One nation, undermined,

    Indivisible, with liberty

    and justice for all


    “To be or not to be

    That is the question

    One nation, undermined,

    Indivisible, with liberty

    and justice for all

    so help me god”>


    To be or not to be

    That is the question

    To quill a man’s charm

    Or to fall upon the scarves

    To light a camel’s yarn

    Is to beguile a friend or stage!


    very nice where have you been!? have you any info on the subject of this here topic?


    whats it to you?


    Touring 48 states in the summer? Its possible to be in all 48, but not to tour all of them in so little time. Youll be able to see highways motels and airports, not much more.


    Pennsylvania is beautiful especially the mountain part. Also Philadelphia has Liberty Bell its special.


    I could try to do it


    I’ve been to 42 states. Lots of cool stuff to see and will take you a few months minimum to see the major attractions around the country.


    There are 4 main highways across the country: 40, 70, 80 and 90/94. You won’t even get close to all the states unless you do all 4. And that takes a loooong time. Are you from the NY/NJ area? Do you consider it a long drive from Brooklyn to the country? The country is quite HUGE, beyond your hasagos. Just going east west across the country twice, to cover all 4 roads is about 12,000 miles; which is about 50 round trips to the mountains. A few detours to cover the intermediate states that don’t intersect those roads, add in a Florida to Maine run, and you’re talking 14-15K miles.

    So if you start out your kosher tour on the 80/90, you’ll pass Cleveland, then a small detour to Detroit then Chicago. From there there are several ways to go. If you do the northern route, you’ll get Milwaukee then Minneapolis. Then nothing frum as you go across the Dakotas, Montana, Idaho, and Washington until Seattle. The head south to Portland, and California. There are several places in California, but if you goal is numbers of states, you don’t want to waste too many miles there. Maybe hit Nevada and Utah as you go South and go through Phoenix and whatever nothing Jewish in New Mexico. Then Texas, Dallas and/or Houston. Then New Orleans, Mississippi Alabama and Florida. Then up to Atlanta, and maybe the Carolinas. Then head west again covering Tennessee and Memphis, Arkansas, and St, Louis. Then Across Missouri and Kansas (KC) until Denver Colorado. Then you can head back East, via the 80, where you’ll go through Wyoming, Nebraska (there’s some decent Kosher food in Omaha), and Iowa. Then Across Kentucky to West VA, VA, MD, DE, and back home to NY/NJ. Spend a day or two doing the New England States and you’re done!

    That wasn’t so bad now that I worked it out. Probably 10k!


    thanks Midwesterner! no, I am not from new York so my hasagos are a bit wider then a two hour drive to the other side of boro park. thanks for the route and I will see what I could cram in to a trip of 2 weeks ( I decided to break the usa into sections and do them one at a time )


    So where you headed to first?


    still finalizing but it looks like the southwest


    Oh beautiful for spacious skies

    For amber waves of grain

    For purple mountain majesties

    Above the fruited plain

    America, America

    G-d shed His grace on thee

    And crown thy good with brotherhood

    From sea to shining sea

    Oh beautiful for pilgrim feet

    Whose stern impassioned stress

    A thoroughfare of freedom beat

    Across the wilderness

    America, America

    G-d mend thine every flaw

    Confirm thy soul in self-control

    Thy liberty in law

    Oh beautiful for heroes proved

    In liberating strife

    Who more than self their country loved

    And mercy more than life

    America, America

    May G-d thy gold refine

    Till all success be nobleness

    And every gain divine

    Oh beautiful for patriot dream

    That sees beyond the years

    Thine alabaster cities gleam

    Undimmed by human tears

    America, America

    G-d shed His grace on thee

    And crown thy good with brotherhood

    From sea to shining sea

    Oh beautiful for spacious skies

    For amber waves of grain

    For purple mountain majesties

    Above the fruited plain

    America, America

    G-d shed His grace on thee

    Till souls wax fair as earth and air

    And music hearted sea

    Oh beautiful for pilgrims feet

    Whose stem impassioned stress

    A thoroughfare for freedom beat

    Across the wilderness

    America, America

    G-d shed His grace on thee

    Till paths be wrought through wilds of thought

    By pilgrim foot and knee

    Oh beautiful for glory tale of liberating strife

    When once and twice for man’s avail

    Men lavished precious life

    America, America

    G-d shed His grace on thee

    Till selfish gain no longer stain

    The banner of the free

    Oh beautiful for patriot dream

    That sees beyond the years

    Thine alabaster cities gleam

    Undimmed by human tears

    America, America

    G-d shed His grace on thee

    Till nobler men keep once again thy whiter jubilee

    Oh beautiful for spacious skies

    For amber waves of grain

    For purple mountain majesties

    Above the fruited plain

    America, America

    G-d shed His grace on thee

    And crown thy good with brotherhood

    From sea to shining sea



    Any chance of a route around all 48 ceremonial counties of England? A lot quicker than the 48 states, unless you get on to the M25.


    Sorry, never been there. Notice the handle; midwesterner, as in middle of the western hemisphere. Other than a two day visit to Zurich for a friend’s wedding, I’ve never been to Europe other than spending time in airports waiting for a connection to or from Israel.


    “Oh beautiful for spacious skies etc.”

    glad I stirred some patriotism into you



    Disappointing. anyone else?


    Disappointing? What were you looking for? I got every significant frum community, and a fair amount of the small ones too, except LA and Miami and surrounding areas, and every state, except 2. If you head north out of Denver on the 25 until you hit 80 going East, you can get Wyoming. And if you head East out of Albuquerque on the 40 until Oklahoma City before turning south to Dallas, you will have all 48. I challenge anyone to do better with fewer miles, and/or more frum communities.


    Midwesterner, he was looking for a route in England.


    He was responding to my request about the united states


    OOPS! And I even responded to him earlier! Silly of me.


    @To be or not to be

    glad I stirred some patriotism into you

    yes, thank you I love my country


    So do I , although my country is Israel ,and canada

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