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- This topic has 11 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by golfer.
May 24, 2017 1:31 pm at 1:31 pm #1284475kitovParticipant
26 of sivan is the yurtziet of the tanna yonison Ben uziel.
His buriel place is in amuka close to ztafas in northern isreal.
People say he was such a masimid that he never married and regretted it latter in life.as a tikun for this before he passed away he promised any umarried person who visits his kaver will find there shidduch within a year.
Perhaps this then is the solution to todays shidduch crises.May 24, 2017 1:48 pm at 1:48 pm #1284483oyyoyyoyParticipanthaha was deciding if i was gonna visit recentley. imhy il try to make it now thanks
May 24, 2017 2:05 pm at 2:05 pm #1284497MenoParticipantPerhaps this then is the solution to todays shidduch crises
Brilliant! Why hasn’t anyone thought of that?
May 24, 2017 2:33 pm at 2:33 pm #1284510JosephParticipantShould be a lesson for those silly enough to push off marriage.
May 24, 2017 2:34 pm at 2:34 pm #1284511WinnieThePoohParticipantOnce upon a time Amuka was an inaccessible valley. Someone needed a lot of mesirus nefesh to visit the kever, hence the segula. Nowadays, tour buses drive up easily on a paved (ok still windy) road to a fully accessible tziyun. Doesn’t every seminary take their girls there at the end of the year? While nothing wrong with davening at kevarim of tzaddikim, I think the mesirus nefesh factor is no longer a part of it, which is why that this has not solved the shidduch cirsis.
May 24, 2017 3:25 pm at 3:25 pm #1284564JosephParticipantWinnie, let’s make it a bit more inaccessible and difficult to reach, eh? 🤔
May 24, 2017 3:43 pm at 3:43 pm #1284599WinnieThePoohParticipantJoseph, only for those looking for instant segulos/yeshuos.
May 24, 2017 3:46 pm at 3:46 pm #1284601shtusimParticipantThe major issue with Amuka will not solve the Shidduch crisis. There is a MECHITZA running down the middle of the path to the kever and around the Kever.
How are you supposed to find your bashert at Amuka, IF YOU CAN’T SEE THEM??May 24, 2017 4:04 pm at 4:04 pm #1284626WinnieThePoohParticipantYou leave your siddur behind with your name, number, and picture- it helps if you can somehow get it to the other side of the mechitza.
(how do I insert one of those smiley faces?)
Actually, R’ Yonasan ben Uziel never promised that one would find his zivug at the kever itself.May 24, 2017 10:32 pm at 10:32 pm #1285247kitovParticipantThose that visit a great rabbi grave site need to know what to do there.
They need to look in a prayer book and say tehilim the entire time.
They should keep in mind the soul of the great rabbi is also praying and standing next to them.
It is up to hashem of course to decide whether he will fulfill your request.
The likelihood of your prayer being answered is lot better this way then if you praying alone.
At no time should you think the soul of a great rabbi can do more for you other then pray on your behalf.May 25, 2017 7:29 am at 7:29 am #1285287NechomahParticipantI heard a great story of a girl who went to Amuka with a group of friends and they took pictures of the group/individuals while they were there. Later, after she got married, she was looking back at old pictures and came across her pictures of that day and what did they see in the background? Her husband was there the same day as they were!!!!!
I did go to Amuka once and I did in fact meet my husband and get married within the year.
May 25, 2017 9:28 am at 9:28 am #1285339assurnetParticipantWTP – I think the mesirus nefesh factor is no longer a part of it, which is why that this has not solved the shidduch cirsis.
I heard this beferush from Rav Meir Brenner. He said when he was young it was next to impossible to find the tziun – it was in the middle of the forest with no path and just an arrow carved into a tree or a rock every now and then. He said a person could maybe spend a couple of days in the area looking for it and still not find it. Because it was such a challenge, for the people who were zoche to find it they saw many more miracles whereas nowadays you don’t see every a miracle story for everyone who goes because it’s so much more accessible.
May 25, 2017 10:11 am at 10:11 am #1285427kitovParticipantAssurent I fail to understand what mesirus nefesh has to do with it.
Would you say that your prayer is more effective in a shul located on top of mountain than one located on main Street ??
If the answer is no then why should amuka be any different ?
If the answer is yes then let’s build shuls with out doors where the congregation can climb through the Windows to get in perhaps then our prayers​ will be answered.May 25, 2017 11:37 am at 11:37 am #1285550WinnieThePoohParticipantKitov- Because the promise that R’ Yonasan ben Uziel made that he would intervene and help people get married as a tikun was specifically attached to the person coming to visit his kever. So the quality of that action counts. As opposed to other instances of davening, when it is the davening that counts, not how you got there. Although, lfum tzara agra always applies.
Nechama- I heard that story too, although I don’t think I ever heard who it was about. Real or urban legend?May 25, 2017 12:05 pm at 12:05 pm #1285562golferParticipantSo what you’re all saying is that shlissel challa was only a segulah for parnassa before the invention of the KitchenAid?
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