Anti semitism in general

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    Its just amazing how we don’t learn our lessons​ from looking around the world and watch how other religions (especially Christians) are targets of anti-Semitism and terrorism all time.
    Don’t you realize that jews of any denomination are at risk 24/7/365?
    Why do we only get excited and upset when something happens in our back yard?
    Is it just human nature or is it something else?




    eh whut?

    Reb Eliezer

    According to the Meshech Chachmah on אף גם זאת בארץ אוביכם who says that antisemitism in, a small amount, is good for us in order not to get assimilated and remember that we belong in EY.

    Avi K

    Laskern ,he does not say that. He says that if we start to assimilate there will be antisemitism in order to remind us who we are.


    Most animosity today is due to the antics of the State of Israel.


    Christians are NOT victioms of Anti Semitism, they may be victims of Hate crime


    Most anti-semites I’ve encountered in 60+ years in the USA do not base their anti-semitism on antic of Israel. It is about being jealous of how well Jews have done in America. They want our money, belongings and perceived power. Their evengelical churches are pro-Israel and teach hatred of Jews in America.

    The Pittsburgh Shooter was after Jews and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society who settles and aids non Jewish immigrants in America. He didn’t go after JNF or organizations aiding Israel.

    You place far too much importance on Israel in the hateful minds of American White Trash

    Reb Eliezer

    CTLAWYER, This is a Klei Yokor on פנו לכם צפונה in Parshas Devorim, saying that in galus we should be hidden from the goyim not to make them jealous by building fancy houses.


    Then I’m glad my 215 year old home is far from the largest and most fancy and most expensive in my town.

    Reb Eliezer

    The buiding of fancy houses also holds back the comming of Moshiach by forgetting that we are strangers in a strange land.


    When Moshiach comes there will be an accounting much like when 80% of the Jews were left behind in Egypt rather than being redeemed during Yetzias Mitzrayim.

    Reb Eliezer

    Joseph, what you are saying is based on the pasuk כימי צאתנו ממצרים אראנו נפלאות like your leaving of mitzraim I will show you wonders.

    Avi K

    The Chatam Sofer criticized Jews who built very sturdy homes as lacking emunah. What will they do if Mashiach comes? Today it is even worse. People have fine leather-bound kinot meant to last forever. The Chafetz Chaim also criticized people who live high (whatever that meant in Radin). He said that one should minimize weekday expenditures as one never knows what will happen and Hashem will not reimburse.

    Reb Eliezer

    The Klei Yokor in the beginning of Parshas Vaychi also explains that this was the reason why Yaakov Avinu could not reveal the comming of Moshiach. If people know he will not come in their time, they will be meyaesh and give up building fancy houses and thereby extending the time for his arrival.

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