Anxious parents before Yontef

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    Many parents and grandparents are becoming anxious before Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, due to many reasons. Stress creeps up on us in many forms–having the perfect outfits for the kids, teshuva and guilt, making enough meat dishes, fear of antisemitic attacks, chas v’sholem. Parents need to recalculate how they speak in front of their precious children, from the little ones up to adult children. Anxiety is high amongst them as well, since the corona pandemic, and we need to give them a sweet, good connection with their parents, and be their loving role model in this world. For tips on how to, sites like might give food for thought.

    Reb Eliezer

    The Haflaah in Panim Yafos says on our Parasha Nitzavim, ובחרת בחיים to choose life, emphasize always the positive which leads to love.


    Interesting in 4 out 5 posts that you posted here, you plug another website, I dont eben think thats alllowed


    Were all supposed to go into the new year shaking in fear if what Hashems decree of life will be for each person for the upcoming year. As we say in unesaneh tokef….. On rosh Hashana its written and on yom Kippur its sealed in Heaven…… Who will live and who will C”V be niftar……. BUT TESHUVA AND PRAYERS AND CHARITY CAN TEAR UP THE HEAVENLY DECREE……

    so what are we all waiting for?….. Lets start all together immediately as a union of a loving nation together doing serious teshuva and Achdus so we can all be forgiven by Hashem and be granted a life of health and happiness ahead. But we need to also do more serious teshuva to be deemed worthy for Hashem to send us Mashiach already in this time of horrific tragedies in the midst of klal yisroel R”L

    lets all start now in the few days we have left before rosh Hashana and may Hashem accept and answer all our prayers


    Inspiring. I may check it out. Just one thing, yontef is not a word. It’s Yom Tov. I have a very hard time taking seriously people who don’t know how to pronounce basic Hebrew. A pet peeve of mine that I hope you can appreciate. Shabbat shalom and Shana Tovah.

    Reb Eliezer

    Rosh Hashanah might be called by Yom Teruah, a day of unity as utruas melech bo meaning reus, friendship.

    Reb Eliezer

    We should have concern for others.


    Retrospect is good this time of year, please spare the phyco babble.

    Reb Eliezer

    We have two eyes. With one, we should look down to see our faults and with other look up to see the greatness of others. Korach, as Rashi says, his eyes fooled him. He did not use his eyes properly, he saw his own greatness and the lowness of others.


    On a list of “stress factors” prior to the yamim noraim, “having enough meat dishes” would not appear to be on the top 10 along with a terrorist attack or having been able to do real tshuvah.


    @gh, and take off perfect outfits for the kids


    It is quite difficult to imagine what other people might get stressed out about. Perhaps on one person’s plate, the meat dishes are a huge expense, yet a part of the fragile fabric of someone’s sholem bayis. For some, a terrorist attack is the least of their immediate, personal worries. We need not assume that we are all alike, because compassion would therefore not be called for.



    Yontef is typically how it referred to in Yiddish. SO while you are you are Thinking of the Hebrew Yom Tov, Yontef or Yontif is not incorrect.


    I think we should have a massive bonfire and everyone should sing kumbaya followed by deep breathing


    “I think we should have a massive bonfire and everyone should sing kumbaya followed by deep breathing”

    CS: Funny, that the new shaliah tzibur in our shul sang “sim shalom” in chazaras hashatz during shachris on the second day of yom tov to the melody of “Kumbaya”. No massive bonfire but a lot of deep conversation in the background.

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