Are America and Israel still allies?

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    Are They?


    Whoever thinks anyone is an allie to Israel or jews is only fooling himself.

    Sorry to burst your bubble.


    Did you ever hear the song “Little Tree” from Journeys 4?

    bt riffic

    Although we have to be thankful to America and show hakorat hatov we can never ever rely on any goy to protect us.


    As long as it suits America’s purposes.


    America is too much like her mother to be truly allied with Israel.


    Of course they are.


    we can never ever rely on any goy to protect us.

    Or Jew.

    V’ein lonu l’hishaein ela al avinu shebashamayim.


    Are Jews (including Israel) and Torah allies? That’s the root question to all our problems.


    People seem to be taking two different tacks- the political approach and the hashkafic approach.

    Political: for sure. It’s actually underestimated how much.

    Hashkafic: what DY said.


    In one of the pres debates a while ago, Obama listed all of our allies. He forgot to mention Israel. Romney corrected him. Sigh.


    Were they ever allies? The US had an interest in supporting Israel, in part as a foil to the pro-Soviets (such as Nasser) and as a foil to the anti-western Islamists. No US troops have ever come to Israel’s aid, and no Israeli troops have supported the US in any of its military endeavors. Israel has no treaty of alliance with the US, and has issued no guarantees of Israel’s security. The US does not sell its best weapons to Israel (e.g. the F-22 or any advanced stealth technology). The US and Israel have friendly relations, and in some matters coincidental interests, but they aren’t allies (at least, not in the sense that countries such as Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Japan and Australia are allies with whom the US has a treaty obligation to assist in times of war).

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