Atheist Convention in NY

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    ☕️coffee addict

    Just kidding I just wanted to make a cool eye catching punny title,

    but what gives, why hasn’t YWN reported the Williamsburg billboard yet, it’s already been talked about on the radio

    also, what’s your thoughts on the issue


    What happened, a sign was scribbled?

    ☕️coffee addict

    The athiest put up a billboard in williamsburg that hashem is a myth


    No, an atheist organization put up a sign in Hebrew in a frum Jewish area of Brooklyn with the name of H-Shem of Yud-K-Vov-K written out in very large letters (obviously with a Hey and not a Kuf), speaking about how we KNOW that it’s all just hooey and we should join their atheist organization.

    They did the same written in Arabic and put it up in a suitable neighborhood (obviously with the name of their deity in large letters instead).

    They claim that they are trying to let the disbelievers who live amongst the strong believers that it’s OK not to believe and that they have a suitable place to turn with their issues.


    Don’t know what they say specifically, but I don’t see the grave danger of seeing in big block letters how there are people who don’t believe.

    yaakov doe

    These atheists do beleive in the media and evidently sent out press releases before the weekend which is a slow time for news. The frequernt mention on the news stations gave them a lot more publicity than the billboards themselves will. This is a media stunt, not an attempt to make atheists out of the Williamsburg chassidim. Ignore them.

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