Before your coffee:sgulah for shidduchim

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by pcoz.
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    One of the best segulos for shidduchim which in addition is a zechus for Acheinu Bnei Yisrael Ha’omdim batzarah is learning hilchos lashon harah. The coffee room is a place with tremendous POTENTIAL (not kinetic) for lashon harah despite the wonderful moderators (real and fake) and i’d like to suggest that everyone accept upon themselves to learn one halacha of lashon harah before they enter the coffee room.

    To save you a trip to the bookcase i’ll write one halacha here which you can read before your coffee. Anyone wishing to add (true) halachos should write the # first for reference purposes.

    #1: The chofetz Chaim writes that one of the reasons people speak lashon harah is that they don’t know the following halacha: lashon harah is forbidden even if its true.


    #2: It’s forbiden to praise a person in front of his enemies, OVERLY praise a person in front any person, or praise him publicly, as all of the above scenarios will likely lead to a response which is lashon harah.


    If you don’t have friends you won’t have anyone to talk lashon hara to.

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