Belated Rosh Hashana question – speaking between tekiyos

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    I have a question Iv’e been wondering about, hoping sommeone here can answer.

    We have all heard the Announcment (Or learnt the halacha) not to be mafsik from the bracha on Shofar until the after the last Tekiyos after/during Tiskabel. For the life of me I cant figure this out.

    Firstly it is my understanding that a hafsaka is only a problem between a bracha and STARTING the mitzva, so technically as soon as The first tekiah is blown/heard Talking should be allowed.

    Even if you insist (or If my above contention is mistaken) that there is no talking until a mitzva is completed. It still should be mutar to talk after the Tekias Demeyushov, or if the ikkar is meumad so after the tekius demeuad. I cant figure out why after the first 60 kolos (at most) talking should be a hefsek. We dont say talking is a hefsek as long as person is eating in Suka, eating matza, wearing Talis, Tefilin (people dont talk with Tefilin because of hesech hadas not a hefsek) What is special about Shofar?

    (My suspicion is that it is more of a practical concern, in other words to prevent talking during chazaras hashatz which people arent always nizhar in, and has nothing to do with hefsek. The “hefsek” taina is to have the hamon am take it more seriously)


    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    You are correct meikar hadin; the minhag is based on a chumra, as are the additional 70 kolos to begin with.


    I don’t speak in Shul anyway, but certainly not for the entire R”H Mussaf, as well as the tekios.


    How come no-one even brings up this issue between Berocho of “Al Netilas Lulov” and the Hoshanos all the way at end of Mussoph?


    How come no-one even brings up this issue between Berocho of “Al Netilas Lulov” and the Hoshanos all the way at end of Mussoph?

    Because not everyone does them at the end of musaf?


    Not so belated — it’s related to next week’s Haftorah (BeShalach).

    The inyan of 100 kolos on R.H is directly related to the 100 cries that Sisra’s mother gave at the window when Sisra failed to to come home from battle.

    I suspect that she wasn’t mafsik those cries with idle chatter.


    Not so belated because tonite is Rosh haShono, for our trees as far as Bais Shamai is concerned.

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