Best piece of advice you've ever gotten, that changed your life for the better

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Best piece of advice you've ever gotten, that changed your life for the better

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    Specifics please, and no generalizations like Be frum, Be nice, Be good or Try hard. ; )


    Smile. All the time.


    Ok. When I was Bar Mitzva age, some friends did some hurtful stuff to me. I wrote down secretly on a small paper in Yiddish but Russian letters, never to forget what they did, and hid it in my drawer. Well, one older brother, who was able to read Russian, came across it. Upon seeing it, he told me, “Why would you want to remember a fight?”

    No. Not you.


    dont talk about personal matters among people you dont know, especially online

    tracht gut

    tracht gut vet zein gut!


    but since we are anonymous is it really personal?


    mod- smart thank you for that. you will see a change in my posts.

    i think the best i have heard is not to do anything to anyone that you would not want them to do to you. also, to get a good mentor/teacher/rav and share with them as opposed to 100 friends


    i wasnt serious

    it was meant to be a joke


    here is a thread asking for our best personal advice and i implied my best advice is to not post on threads like this

    something like that

    not very funny i guess

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    not very funny i guess

    It was for the people who got it.


    no it was funny im just not my usual jolly self today


    it may have been put up as a joke and it was a good one but it still holds lots of truth!


    thats true

    and actually its close to what i would probably answer in truth.

    i dont know if its the absolutely best advice ive ever received but it ranks up there and that is “talk as little as possible”

    the Mseilus Yesharim makes a big point of this, a few pages actually as i recall.

    that of course doesnt refer to talk to share with your spouse or increase friendship with others

    it means to me

    dont talk about dover btailim in the Bais Medrash

    and outside every thing you say should be said with a cheshbon, not just automatic responses to inner and outer promptings.


    Not advice, but a lesson I always remember –

    We all would like to think that during the times of Chanuka, we would have been in the small group of people who stayed strong and listened to the Maccabees. What was the difference between the masses of people who turned into misyavnim and the small group of people who didn’t? The ones who became misyavnim heard what the chochomim said and said to themselves: “Oh that doesn’t apply to me. I’m above that” etc, or “that’s a nice level, but it’s not for me”. They made decisions for themselves and thought they knew better. The small group that we all hope we would have been a part of were the ones who listened to the chochomim, no matter what they said, no matter how extreme it was or whether or not it applied to them. They followed blindly and they were the ones who were able to stick it out and stay on the right side.

    This thought always crosses my mind when I start to doubt how much the words of the chochomim actually apply to me. Especially in these tough times, we have to cling to them, or else ch”v, we’ll be on the misyavnim’s side of Chanuka when this is all over.


    Among the best pieces of advice I’ve received over my 40 years of working as an engineer was something an old machinist told me about building power plants. He said, “It’s just a piece of iron. All you have to be is smarter than a piece of iron.” Another of the words that I live by is from my Professor in thermodynamics. He said, “Nothing happens in zero time”.


    ok mod will take the advice… i think it might be one of the many good pieces that i have ever received


    dont kick a skunk

    Dave Hirsch


    e best piece of advice I’ve ever received was bad advice; it taught me never to listen to “advisors” ever again…

    I also cherish what an economics professor once told me: “Look around and you’ll see that everyone who made it big worked hard, but not everyone who worked hard made it big…”


    smile66, This thought always crosses my mind when I start to doubt how much the words of the chochomim actually apply to me. Especially in these tough times, we have to cling to them, or else ch”v, we’ll be on the misyavnim’s side of Chanuka when this is all over.

    That’s beautiful. Thanks for sharing!


    two strong statements 1- “Believe HALF of what you see and NONE of what you hear” [this only applies in a bad situation] other words , dan lecaf zechut and don’t believe lashon hara

    2- “everything you need you have, and everything you have you need” won’t be jealous, or dissatisfied with anything Hashem gives you.


    ofcourse – Glad you found it meaningful 🙂

    It’s something that I learned back in school and just never forgot!


    buy low, sell high

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    When I’m high, I tend to make poor decisions, so I only sell when I’m sober.

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