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  • #609663

    If a goy cooked chicken nuggets. Is there any way to make it muttar for a jew to eat?




    It’s a little complicated but bear with me:

    1. Go into your time machine.

    2. Set it for right before he turned on the oven.

    3. Hit “start” (your model may say “go” or “enter” etc).

    4. Jump in front of him and turn on the oven first.

    5. Get back into the time machine.

    6. Hit “return” (older models may require you to set the time again – do that first).

    Your chicken nuggets can now be eaten from.

    You are also responsible for destroying the entire population of the previous time stream. But we are talking about chicken nuggets here , so no expense is to great.


    Sam2- Not so simple. Since we’re talking about Chicken there should have been a mashgiach t’midi who possibly lit the fire if it was par fried/cooked. If not par fried/cooked then you’re not only correct but the pan/pot may be also be non kosher due to the bishul akum.


    ???? ?? ???


    Kasher: You’re making a ton of assumptions here. The question is is there a way to make them Muttar once the Goy cooked them. The answer is no. We can try and find ways that it wasn’t technically cooked by a Goy, but the question as asked has a very simple answer.



    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Kasher, you’re arguing on the question.

    Jersey Jew

    You MUST ask your LOR as there may be extenuating circumstances that would possibly allow it to be muttar AND that you wont have to kasher any keillim.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Mark, as a matter of practice, one should definitely ask a posek, not the CR, but how could extenuating circumstances be mattir the nuggets? (You’re probably right about the keilim.)


    assuming that they were 100% raw beforehand, and assuming the goy turned on the entire fire (no pilot light previously lit by a yid, no residual heat left from the previous cooking, etc..) and assuming the goy put it on the fire, and assuming the yid did not do any “flipping” of the chicken or raising the flame, then the answer is NO, there is no way to mattir the chicken nuggets. furthermore the pan/pot/grill that the chicken was cooked in may be assur and need kashering.


    My point was and is that “half an answer is understanding the question”. I find that too often people here and on other sites simply don’t know the “metzius”, and comment without actual knowledge. I happen to be involved in the kashrus field for many years and find that even some poskim would benefit from understanding the “metzius”.

    I wasn’t arguing on the question but rather trying to help the questioner understand the situation related to the question for the benefit of the Rov who will pasken the shaila.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Kasher, this is not a forum for actual piskei halachah, but for discussion. You are answering a different question than the OP asked.

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