I’m newly pregnant and have no parental support or guidance. I was referred to a specific OB-GYN but after speaking with the Dr he informed me he works with Brookdale hospital. I know the area is bad and the hospital has a less than comforting rating. But I understand the hospital has renovated the maternity ward.
Has anyone used Brookdale for L&D? If yes, please give me feedback.
CH -Remsen village used to be a Frum neighborhood, but no more. Brookdale is in the center of it. Even though it’s in a non-Frum neighborhood, it still has a lot of Frum doctors!
I highly recommend Park Slope Midwives. They have an office in BP near BY. They deliver at Methodist, which is unquestionably the best hospital in Brooklyn.
But, if you’re happy with this Dr., then probly no reason to switch.