Bugs in succah solutions?

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    What do you all do about bugs in succah and methods to keep them out? I need something for next year because its out of hand. Thanks.




    we had that problem when we used shop lights. our tables were centered under the lights and it was gross. this year we had new lights. this year we had these


    and hung them around the outside border of the sukkah and it worked


    If this is actually a major problem and you can’t solve it then you might be Pattur from Sukkah because too many bugs would be a definite Mitzta’er.


    Sam: Why would he be patur? The problem is only at the location he is currently building his Succah. He could use one of the many Succas elsewhere in his immediate vicinity.


    TLKY: If you’re Mitzta’er in your Sukkah then you’re Pattur. Once you go inside it’s fine. You’re not Mechuyav to search every Sukkah in the city after it rains to find one that isn’t dripping because it might exist. Mitzta’er is different than if your Sukkah becomes Passul somehow.



    Maybe I spoke too strongly, we arent infested but one Seuda was bad and I was somewhat paranoid that a bug would end up in my food.

    YW Moderator-42

    Ceiling fans in your sukka can help keep away many flying bugs, especially the ones that hang out by the schach and then come down when there is food.

    In another thread somebody mentioned something about spraying garlic water or something.


    If you don’t bring food you’ll have less bugs. Or dump some rotting food in your neighbors sukka so all the bugs will go to them.


    We also had a lot of bugs in our succah this year, more that usual. We live in EY and here we have “cartziot” – bugs that resemble lady bugs. The only way to get rid of them is to spray your shach with bug spray, but spray next year a few days before you put up your shach. If you spray it now, your run the risk of having the bugs decompose and rot in your shach, which can ruin it. I would also suggest spraying the walls as well. Good luck and don’t let the bugs bug you on Succos!

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