Census 2020

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    The 2020 census was released yesterday and was wondering how this will affect the 2022 congressional election, the frum community and the electorial college.

    The Census Bureau announced its apportionment figures on April 26, 2021. The following states will see changes in Congressional seats:

    California, New York, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia will each lose one seat.[9]
    Colorado, Florida, Montana, North Carolina, and Oregon will each gain one seat.
    Texas will gain two seats.


    Now hopefully that means democrats who left their states that they destroyed won’t do the same to TX and FL.


    Some of the increase in TX, FL and maybe others are due to both legal & illegal immigration. The (Bureau)crats sabotaged and ran the clock on Trump’s directive to count only citizen for the purpose of counting Congress seats. But it looks like immigrants understand that economic policies in TX and FL are better.


    Republican states gained House seats and electoral college representation whereas Democrat states overall lost.


    Republican states gained House seats and electoral college representation whereas Democrat states overall lost.

    To be specific, the Red states gained three House seats and Electoral College votes, while the Blue states lost three. Hopefully that six seat/vote advantage will help the 2022 and 2024 elections put the nation back in the hands of the people who want to improve it, not destroy it.


    NY CA IL will most likey eliminate a GOP seat, my guess in ny the 22 or 27 will be on the chopping block, Co and Or will add a Dem seat, so a total change of 5.
    Mi. OH. PA. and WV will eleminate a Dem seat, Fl. MT NC and Tx will add GOP seats so a total change of 9. the control of the house can flip in 2022


    Trump’s directive to only count citizens was ruled unconstitutional by the Federal Courts, repeatedly. The Census Bureau did not sabotage anything. Trump was trying to sabotage the count of all persons in the US as required by the Constitution. It doesn’t say citizens in the Constitution.

    The kneidel

    From the States that lost seats: Republican states- Ohio and West Virginia
    Democrat states – California, New York, Illinois
    Swing states – Pennsylvania and Michigan
    From the states that gained seats: Republican states- Texas, Montana, Florida (some consider it a swing state)
    Democrat states – Colorado, Oregon
    Swing states – North Carolina

    So republicans lost two but gained four and democrats lost three and gained two so not much change.
    What matters more then the switching of seats in the house is the electoral count per state for the presidential election and who is in control of the state legislature in each state because they control redistributing which really controls who will win more seats in the House of Representatives.
    Another thing to point out is that the population growth in Texas isn’t necessarily good for Republicans. If you remember the midterm elections in 2018, Ted Cruz barely lost to Beto O’Rourke in the Texas Senate race. Texas is slowly turning blue as more New Yorkers and Californians move in. This is something we have seen when the red states of Arizona, New Mexico, Navada, Colorado, Virginia, etc.turned purple and then blue in over the last few years.


    >Trump’s directive to only count citizens was ruled unconstitutional by the Federal Courts, repeatedly. The Census Bureau did not sabotage anything. Trump was trying to sabotage the count of all persons in the US as required by the Constitution. It doesn’t say citizens in the Constitution.<

    @ctlawer, according to this insane reasoning, shouldn’t tourists be able to vote too?


    @the kneidle, OH PA VW MI Fl NC and TX. all have GOP controled state houses so they will gerrymand the distict to favor the GOP, CA NY OR and CO all are Dem control so they will gerrymand Dem


    The difference in terms of national issues is minimal. Purple states (such as Florida) don’t count. The “Red” states picked up perhaps two or three seats, but since part of the reason is migration of Democrats it will work the cancel any shifting (note how Georgia and North Carolina turned “purple” due to liberal migrants.

    What matters to the frum community is the extent frum neighbors grew or shrunk, and whether that reflects migration patterns in our community. Also note that migration can result in increasing the number of districts in which frum Jews are common that the politicians listen to us (rather than if we approach a majority that can elect one of our own).


    “nearly lost” not “barely lost”.


    Your ignorance is amazing.

    The Constitution requires counting all people in the USA every 10 years. It does not count voters. Those under 18 cannot vote, neither can those who are not registered. Women didn’t get the vote til 1920 but had been counted for over 100 years.

    Your assertion about tourist is laughable, just like your comments


    As a New Yorker, I’m very satisfied New York lost a seat in Congress (and an electoral college vote). That’s one less Democrat to do damage in Congress. (As far as redistricting is concerned, New York Democrats would have gerrymandered whether they lost a seat or not.)

    And it was a close call. If New York had counted another mere 87 people in the census (yes, 87), New York would have gotten another seat in the House. Baruch Hashem we didn’t get that seat.

    The kneidel

    Actually, New York State has an independent commission that redraws the districts as well as other states such as California, Washington, Colorado, Michigan, Virginia, Arizona, New Jersey, etc. In many of these states the commission is split republican and Democrat. In some states, the results do have to get approved by the State legislature.
    In NY, if the non-political commissions draft is not approved by the state legislature after a second try, the state legislature has the right to amend the commissions proposal but they can only modify it up to 2% of any districts population.


    “it does not count voters”
    true but it does count everyone in the USA . inasmuch as illegals are there, so are tourists.


    @the kneidel, and who appoints the commision? the state legislature


    READ Made Aliyah’s post before commenting on my reply

    MA did NOT say that tourists should be counted, he made the comment that if all people should be counted then tourists should be able to vote. A totally non-connected comment to the discussion that the Constitution requires all people residing in the US be counted. The Constitution does not say count voters. We are mandated to count minors, who are not eligible to vote, adults who are not registered to vote and felons who may have lost their right to vote (in some states).
    The 14th Amendment of the Constitution calls for counting the number of whole persons in each state, not citizens, not voters……………………..


    true his statement was off. however the question, the way I phrased it, remains.


    A totally non-connected comment to the discussion that the Constitution requires all people residing in the US be counted.

    The purpose of this discussion is to celebrate the fact that the 2020 Census results may help get the anti-American morons out of the White House and the Congress.


    ctlawyer >Trump’s directive to only count citizens was ruled unconstitutional by the Federal Courts, repeatedly. The Census Bureau did not sabotage anything.

    Haredi ani entering a discussion with an esteemed CT lawyer, so please correct my understanding of the events:
    – commerce dept tried to ask a question about citizenship. court said their reasoning was arbitrary, asked for a better rationale hat never came. this is not yet declaring unconstitutional
    – Trump then issued a memorandum to cunt only voters in July 2020.
    – states sued and NY District found in their favor.
    – President appealed to SC
    – SC had hearing on Trump v. New York in Dec 2020 vacated district ruling and dismissed the case as the Census was not ready yet and possible lack of standing by States
    – meanwhile Census delayed delivering results multiple times from July to October to January and eventually to Biden.

    I admit that Constitution seems to count residents, not citizens (“except Indians not taxed” – maybe giving a case for not inclduing those who do not pay taxes, but I digress). 14th Amendment article 2 is contradicting a little – excluding from the count rebelling citizens, seemingly assuming that citizens are close enough to residents.

    At the same time, it seems absurd in modern reality to given incentives to the states to bring non-citizens. Imagine, Texas, Arizona, and Florida let in the whole Central America for one year before Census. They then get absolute majority in the House and Presidential elections. They then direct US Army to send those illegals back home. Then, only Senate and Court could save Yankees 🙂


    CTL: As others noted, tourists in the United States are whole persons.


    @akuperma, there will be a shift in power in Rockland, Orange and possibly Nassau in NY and Ocean County NJ, because the census counts everyone from newborn to very old the frum community with its larger families KIH will see a huge power shift.


    Leave it to CTL to go out of his way to defend illegals who should be deported or in jail. Did you also defend the rights of Taliban people who are in gitmo or weren’t Mirandized.

    The kneidel

    In response to Commonsaychels post,“@the kneidel, and who appoints the commision? the state legislature”
    The 10-member commission comprises the following members:
    Two members must be appointed by the temporary president of the New York State Senate.
    Two members must be appointed by the speaker of the New York State Assembly.
    Two members must be appointed by the minority leader of the New York State Senate.
    Two members must be appointed by the minority leader of the New York State Assembly.
    Two members must appointed by the aforementioned eight commissioners. These two appointees cannot have been enrolled in the top two major political parties in the state.

    Sounds pretty evenly split to me;*)


    @ctlawyer, please calm down, take a deep breath, and explain why tourists should not be counted.

    If it helps you sleep better, you can once again sandwich your reply in insults.


    #1 I didn’t go out of my way, I was reading the CR for amusement while taking a coffee break
    #2 I did not defend illegal….stop making false accusations. There is no defense of anyone in my comment, just an explanation of who must be counted.
    #3 What do Taliban incarcerated in Gitmo have do do with this topic?
    #4 What have people who have not been Mirandized have to do with this topic?

    #5 ALL people residing in America have to be counted in the Decennial Census. In this case they had to be residing here on April 1, 2020 even though the physical field count did not begin until July. The questions started: ‘were you living at this address on April 1, 2020

    #6 I have posted repeatedly that I DON’T PRACTICE CRIMINAL LAW. I don’t defend anyone in criminal cases.


    CTL: You have failed to legally justify why to count illegal aliens in the census but NOT count tourists and foreign students who were in the United States on April 1, 2020 in the census.

    Kneidel: The NYS “independent” commission is a joke. The Democrats ON THE COMMISSION will refuse to agree to any plan. Then when the commission fails to produce a redistricting plan the Democrat legislature will produce a highly gerrymandered plan of their own from scratch.

    The kneidel

    The New York State legislature can only change the independent commissions (which is 5 dems and 5 republicans) redistricting draft by a maximum of 2%. They can’t do much as oppose to most other states where they have much more control


    Trump NEVER issued a memorandum to count ONLY voters.
    Children can’t vote and must be counted. Trump did not direct that children not be counted

    Stop posting lies


    Your statement remains incorrect

    The Census did not count tourists. It counted those residing (not visiting) the US on April 1, 2020.
    We host some Chinese students. They are here for the school year on F1 visas. they are not tourists. They were counted. There presence was perfectly legal.

    Most people in the CR conveniently forget that the Census is not just for apportioning the members of the House of Representatives. It affects how much federal aid goes to states and municipalities. That’s why college students are counted at their school address. the municipality where the school is located is providing police, fire, ems and paved roads, etc.

    Having helped train Census Field Workers an am very familiar with the directives on who is to be counted and where. Trump tried to change it and could not get away with it.


    Kneidel: You missed the point. The Democrats appointed ON THE COMMISSION will sabotage the commission from producing ANY redistricting plan by refusing to sign off on any. Therefore the commission will produce nothing, thereby allowing the Democrat legislature to fully make their own non-independent plan.

    CTL: You still have failed to legally justify counting illegal aliens while at the same time NOT counting tourists and foreign businessmen in the United States on April 1, 2020.


    @CTL because you’re a knee-jerk liberal.


    @ctl, thanks for the correction, July 2020 memo excluded illegals to be counted. Biden on January 20 rescinded order on “unauthorized” immigrants… Is the rest of the timeline ok by you? I think it is clear that census slowed down on purpose waiting for the change of the regime. Technically speaking, if Trump banned illegals but Biden allowed, lashon naki, unauthorized, does it mean that the order on illegals is still active!?


    According to the 2020 census The frum communities of Lakewood, KJ and Monsey grew from 25% to 45% with a huge power shift

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