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  • #2134521

    All I want is to be a choshuver yid. How can I work on being more choshuv?

    Sam Klein

    Why don’t you work more on your middos personally and actually try to become a more simple and humble person which actually brings a person up to greatness as the famous line we know says “metoch shein lishmah yeyeh bah lishmah”……

    No better way for a person to bring themselves to greatness then to work on their middos personally and it brings them up to greatness

    May Hashem give you lots of Hatzlacha and may you become a big Tzaddik like Rebbe Akiva who first started working on bringing himself up to greatness at the age of 40 and look what a tzaddik he became with thousands of talmidim

    Reb Eliezer

    Show care for others.


    Sponsor a new building for a Shul and make sure your name is prominently printed in big bold words on front of the building.

    Reb Eliezer

    Work not on the midos but how to apply them.

    ☕️coffee addict

    Try to be trolling in the cr less


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