Chazal Fitness Programs

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  • #2261509

    There have recently been various marketing spiels on frum media promoting wight-loss/nutritional programs under tag lines such as “East Like Chazal”. Is there really a singular lifestyle that can be legitimately hyped as derived from the eating and nutritional preferences of our gadolim, given that the typical “heimeshe” diet is not what one would remotely associate with contemporary understanding of health-based nutrition?


    Using chazal and Torah to market stuff is not new, I remember how an add in a Lakewood paper from a plumbing company,advertising that ‘Bidets’ are the most halachikly best way to clean yourself…


    Anything to make a buck.


    Chazal mostly used stones no bidet. But there are tons of gemoras talking about healthy foods and food effects on different conditions.


    Is it irrational to assume that any nutritional guidance offered by chazal or referenced in gemorah were based on what our gadolim at THAT time believed was the best information available and that the guidance today would likewise be based on the best information available. We don’t necessarily want to clone a diet from the alte heim where yidden had very limited access to fresh seafood, fruit and vegetables and plant-based proteins were not yet commercially available. However, as others have noted, there are frum rabbonim with PhDs in nutrition and medicine who can offer torah-based guidance on healthy food and lifestyles rather than some shyster advertising in frum media claiming a miracle diet based on what he claims are brought down from chazal.


    It is perfectly rational to believe many concepts in the Gemara were based on their knowledge at the time. Many Jews believe this. However, in the world of the ultras this is Kefira. I’ve heard this many times (with [poor] excuses for things that are obviously wrong) that everything Chazal said is 100% correct no matter how much it’ contradicts what we know today.
    This is what happens when instead of appreciating our Chachomim for what they were we elevate them to Malachim/Niveim.


    Kuv – check the other threads on the subject. The aruch hashulchan, Maharal, rema, shulchan aruch, all say it’s apikorsus. Not the “ultras.” Anyone who said that about chazal were banned throughout history, from elazar min ha’adumim until nathan slifkin.

    “Lots of jews” – yes, heirs to maskilim who convinced themselves that they’re frum “and” watch movies, frum “and” socialize with the opposite gender, “frum” and supportive of LGBT, the list goes on.



    Actually, chazal were greater than the neviim, because Chacham adif minavi, which means that a Chacham is bigger than a navi. That’s because a chacham has access to the dvar Hashem all the time, and a navi only has it when Hashem gives it to them.


    I wholeheartedly disagree with you. There are many gamoras that are proven to be completely contradictory to known science and the way people try to say that science doesn’t know what they’re talking about or some other convoluted answers that the nature changed from 2000 years ago to now so drastically. I think that’s complete disrespect to our previous rabbi’s, and grmaras, it turns educated people off to the authenticity of chazal. They were great people light years above our level. We don’t come up to their toenails. You will also find that even in learning they made mistakes, their contemporaries proves them wrong and sometimes they backtracked,yes chazal can be wrong they were exceptional HUMANS. The Torah itself records Moshe rabeinu sinning ro teach us that he’s not a god he’s human.

    edited – disrespectful comparison

    Reb Eliezer

    There is a pasuk in Devarom (12,20), as explained by the Chasam Sofer, which tells us how to diet. When one is hungry, one should eat right away, otherwise, if one waits, one will not be able to control oneself but eat meat with all one’s desires.

    Reb Eliezer

    Saying that I want to eat meat is the control.

    Reb Eliezer

    The closer our sages are to Kabolas Hatorsh the greater they are.


    kuvult > It is perfectly rational to believe many concepts in the Gemara were based on their knowledge at the time.

    how can you claim otherwise? Gemora documents myriads of cases where amoraim argue about meaning of mishayos and baraisos, and sometimes explain that someone knew that baraisa but not another. For example, R Yehudah repeatedly points to Nehardians (where Shmuel taught) what he knows from Shmuel that they do not. All these traveller from Israel to Bavel who either bring information or worse. As the Maharal points out, see my multiple references, the strength of Bavli is developing the method of reconstructing missing information (similar to modern linguistic analysis, pattern analysis, machine learning – AAQ, not Maharal). So, you are free to try to use their methods and you’ll be a talmid chacham if you succeed or a rooster, or worse, if you don’t (Gemora’s words not AAQs,)

    Reb Eliezer

    The Rebbi R’ Yonasan Eibshutz in sefer Tiferes Yonasan explains the Dor Haflaga that they build a tower to fly a spaceship to escape to the moon.

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