Chevi Garfinkel's Camp

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  • #611954

    Hi everyone! I heard Chevi Garfinkel runs a camp called Camp Frontier and I was wondering if any of you know some information about it. Like for example: the type of girls, the type of camp, the price, where it’s located…

    Thank you in advance!



    I think I am going to digress from the main point of this thread to point out something that bothers me immensely from this ostensibly Frum site. I also know the usual chevra will knock me for this and rightly so. I find that there are numerous comments in the news sections and especially the cr that border on and at times even are poshut lashon hora or avak lashon hora. why would anyone put forth on a public forum a question about someone else’s business (a camp in this case). If someone decides to write something remotely negative the thread starter is oiver on lifnei eiver. and multiply that by everyone who reads the thread. why wouldnt you do old fashioned research by calling the camp? just my two cents. now the gantzsa oilom can write in about how I am wrong and talk about ketchup or something. I usually do not venture into the comments section or the cr but there are times my curiosity gets the better of me. However, Once I saw this I felt the need to say something. Bimokom sheein ish yishtadel liyos ish


    So is lashon hara about ketchup ok or not???


    Some things she can find out from calling the camp. Some things, like the type of girl, may not be accurately found by calling a party that’s nogeia bedavar.

    Personally, I agree with you about whether this form of crowdsourcing is effective or not. People online don’t know you much better than does the lady on the other end of the phone and may see things differently than you which can create misunderstandings. While I crowdsourced here about sems a bit, I’m starting to regret that and am sticking more to things like skirts if only because it’s objective and matter-of-fact. Some random person’s ideas and preconceptions about what you’re like may not be of much help.

    As far as the camp is concerned, I don’t know anything about the camp besides for that it’s out West, but I do know Chevi Garfinkel and she’s amazing. But of course, I’m a random person and my ideas and preconceived notions probably won’t be of much help :).


    Actually I think you’re right. If I had the authority I’d say THREAD CLOSED (but I don’t)


    thank you the goq for those sites and kny-half the phrases you wrote in there I don’t understand so i’m not sure if you meant it as a joke or you were serious and anyhow that is one of the things I need to know. I know nothing about the camp so if I could get the phone number that would be awesome! do you know it?


    Mitzvah girl. I was very serious. I wrote in words that are “yeshivish” as this is “the yeshiva world” I did not see the need to anglicize everything. I am sorry. If you cannot get her info by googling I can try to. After mentioning this to my sis she mentioned that she has a friend that knows her. classic jewish geography. let me know if you want it


    Yes kny thank you very much i would really appreciate the number. I am a big fan of chevi’s shuirim as i try to go a lot she is very inspirational. Please, i dont want anyone to think what i said as something negative, i dont and never want to create lashon hara and please accept that. I really truly and honestly only wanted the number and if possible some info bc my looks on google were to no avail. Please forgive me and i dont want this thread closed bc i really want the number! Thats really all i wanted and a little background info! Thank you!


    mg613 you did nothing wrong, I dont know why kny went off on you like that, yes certain topics can lead to loshon hara but if it goes that way its not your fault you werent asking about the negatives and shouldnt feel bad about posting this question, I think kny owes YOU an apology not the other way around.


    Thank you the goq that made me feel a lot better! I dont want to be the bad guy here!!! So if any of you has the number or any info to share plz do! I was actually just speaking to a friend and she said she heard its really hard to get in. Is that true?


    I think the Chofetz Chaim writes that one should not start a topic that can likely LEAD to issues of Lashon Hara. In my humblekite I would think kny is correct.

    Of course we have the ever vigilant, untiring MODs who would NEVER let the conversation steer near those dangerous areas of lashon hara, but I think one must not even start such a conversation. -my humble opinion.


    mitzvahgirl: I just want to apologize for using your thread as an opportunity to vent :). I didn’t realize that what you wanted was the number- I should have thought more before I posted.

    I’m glad that someone was able to give you contact details- good luck getting answers to all of your questions!

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Kny, if you feel it’s full of lashon hora, you probably shouldn’t have been here.


    Thank you kny for the email. And thank you everyone for your support! Now im just curious what couldve been lashon hara that i wrote? I dont even know what could be lashon hara!! Happens to be anything now could really be l”h but i was just wondering what i wrote could possibly be. Also mods thank you for your response! I just want to make it clear so no one has any hard feelings towards me: i dont want to create lashon hara so if this caused anyone pain or anything plz let me lnow. Writersoul-you wrote you wanted to vent im sorry this has to be an ongoing thing about people writing lashon hara i really hope i didnt increase it! Plz everyone forgive me!


    Mitzvahgirl- I don’t think anything you said was a problem but when someone asks the public for their opinion about a camp, store, restaurant etc there is always a chance that it can be bad mouthed and that would bring a monetary loss to the owner, and is L”H. I had that in mind when I approved the thread and intended to delete any posts that would have been halachically problematic. Key was pointing out that if we are not always successful, better it should not be posted in the first place. Please don’t worry that you did something wrong.

    YW Moderator-127

    kny’s email was to himself, and his post was deleted. This thread is being closed.

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