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    Just a thought of chizuk for anyone who has down moments.

    I was having some “down time” (you know like this little guy 🙁 ) and contrary to popular belief of those who try to fix the world sometimes (myself included) when a person feels a shtickel sad or on a low, they do not usually want to hear (I speak for myself) about how Hashem doesn’t want to help u when you are sad. Think about all the things you have to be hapy for etc. YES, I thank Hashem every day for many many things. I know that I am not in control to run the world.

    I know Hashem has a plan and Hashem gives nisyonos. So DONT TELL ME THAT when all I want is for you to be a listening ear or to sympathize, and to let me humanize! (my word for being human and having feelings that need to get out of your system and not be squelched!!!

    Anyway I have been trying to be posiitive (oh never tell s/o be positive when they are sad!) and I really made up my mind to work on it at least if I can. And guess what happened today. I had Such Syata Dishmaya! I kept having different reminders throughout the day of things that I was really upset or pained abt and you know what- I let the feeling fly pass and said TO MYSELF- Be happy. You are really happy right?? I felt like a two yr old at first but after doing it abt ten times today you know what? I found myself happy and laughing and smiling and really feeling it! I mean it. I was shocked and I haven’t been feeling like that in the past little while. and I hope it continues to work for me but try it— it might work for you. Any comments?? sorry so long (coming from s/o who likes posts short sweet and to the point— ouch!)


    of course…. minutes after my nice chizuk shmooze when I was on a high and decided I am being happy the rest of the night… I heard abt the passing of Mrs Feldberger A”H and I cried through the night! well at least over shabbos I was able to use the cheer up technique over shabbos and tonight when I had reasons to be upset again!

    Ever heard the song from OHAD called “don’t think abt it” I decided its a great song!


    Shkoyach-that song, my favorite! I think about it sometimes when I’m down and say to myself, ok, it will be over soon. But I find that it’s hard for me to remember to think that way when I’m in a difficult situation, like this shabbos, omg, was too much for me and the only thing I could think of was that I’m not managing and can’t deal with it. What should I do then?



    shkoyach; wow keep the positive additude up!!!!


    I got this in an email a while back and I feel it fits perfectly in the “Chizuk” thread:

    “First I was dying to finish high school and start college.

    And then I was dying to finish college and start working.

    And then I was dying to marry and have children.

    And then I was dying for my kids to grow up.

    And then I was dying to retire.

    And now, I am dying. And I suddenly realize- I forgot to LIVE.”


    wow beacon, that’s a great email.$


    wow becon nice


    beacon: i liked it!!!


    Beacon – great stuff.


    Thanx guys…I have it hanging over my desk- it keeps me focused when I need it!


    thanks beacon! Reminds me of Rabbi Rietti’s tape on simcha… every heard it.. I cracked up doubled over while listening to it!!!! He has a whole ditty about “If only I could just get into High School, If only I could just be out of high school, If only I could get into this college!, if Only I could get out of this college!, If only I could have this shidduch, If only I could get out of this shidduch, If only I could have kids, if only my kids would be out of the way!, if only my kid would start talking, if only my kid would be quiet… if only my kid would get married and out of my house!@…. etc… (I dont do justice to R’ Rietti but add an accent and his sing song and it makes you plotz!)

    BTW I tried my “happy technique” again today and it is mamish not shayach how it works. I started to be down when I heard something that reminded me that I was upset, and I squashed it like a daddy long led before it surfaced, the blood oozed out! ok, so I look meshiggers talking to myself everytime and telling myself…”Oh no you dont! You are happy! You KNOW you really are and that Hashem is running the world and knows gantz fine what He is doing so don’t fall into the trap!” but you know what… it helped again so put up with me if you see me looking like schizon on the street talking to myself!


    shkoyach: keep being happy!!!!


    ahhh!!! Every day something else comes up to knock me off guard! I was doing so well today and then I had yet another reminder not to be happy!!!!!!!!! I am getting tested till my nose is blue! ok ok ok ok ok I am not going to let myself get down!! no no no! Thanks asdf… I am trying really hard. Can u tell???


    shkoyachL your doin gr8!!! i could tell your tryin hard!!!!


    ames, I like that. We don’t choose circumstances in our lives, we do choose how we react to them.


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