Daas Torah and the Hostage Deal

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    I cannot fathom how we can be advised to ignore thinking about the hostage deal, and how the topic is devarim beteilim. Even if we don’t know what’s right and wrong, we should have this deal in our heart as a way to empathize with our brothers and sisters who are affected by the deals. We need to be nosei beol chaveiro. Empathy with the joy of the hostages and their families who will finally be reunited. Empathy with the families of the bereaved whose killers are now being released. Empathy with the hostages and their families who are not included in the deal. Empathy with the joy of the soldiers who can now return home. Empathy with the soldiers who lost so much and now feel abandoned by the deal that threatens to undo what they sacrificed for. Empathy for the people of the State of Israel who are now fearful what the added threat of released terrorists bring. And yes, even empathy for our politicians who had to go through the psychological torture of making such difficult decision.

    The Charedim are not a separate nation. We are all one nation. This deal affects us all. We may not have the expertise to disagree or agree with the deal with certainty (and anyone who does is deluding themselves). But that doesn’t mean we don’t think about it. That doesn’t mean we don’t feel for each other. This is not something we can ignore. This is the furthest thing from Devarim Beteilim.

    • This topic was modified 2 weeks, 4 days ago by Y.W. Editor.
    • This topic was modified 2 weeks, 4 days ago by Y.W. Editor.

    Simcha, sometimes kids simply repeat what they read in the papers and maybe even start arguing with each other using words from opposing papers or tiktoks, so this could be referred as devarim betulim. Maybe this is one of those “you have to be there” moments to understand what the discussion was about.


    @simcha613 you have a peculiar idea of what “am yisroel” is, and it does not seem to be a Torah one. Not everyone is “achicheh” in Torah.



    I really hope I misunderstand your meaning. Otherwise it is cruel. It sounds like you are suggesting that only Torah observant Jews are part of Am Yisroel. Many Jews have never had the benefit of a religious education. They are still our brothers and sisters, though. Even Jews who choose wrong are still our family. It is G-d’s place to judge, not ours.


    According to somejewiknow, even if you were moser nefesh to make kiddush fridy night while being held as hostages in some dark tunnel, if you are an IDF soilder or support R Kook you don’t count


    simcha- what the rosh yeshiva meant was that it’s not a yeshiva bochur’s (or yungerman’s in this case) job to worry about the hostage deal. his job is to immerse himself in torah as much as possible


    Who is saying it’s devarim bateilim and in what context? I see your OP got a bit edited, so we might have lost some context.


    Somejewiknow is either a שונא ישראל or a troll, but than likely both. You’re best off ignoring him.



    No, you most certainly are not my “brother in Torah”. Quite the opposite, most unfortunately. As far as I’m concerned, you’re מחוץ למחנה and a שונא ישראל.


    ard > that it’s not a yeshiva bochur’s (or yungerman’s in this case) job to worry about the hostage deal. his job is to immerse himself in torah as much as possible

    as I mentioned, we might not have the context for RY words. I posted my guess. But as to your interpretation, a person who is learnt in Torah obviously should have an ability and a desire to reflect on what is happening in the world. As an example – R Avigdor Miller suggests we learn lessons from what is happening in Vietnam, because if you don’t learn from that, you might get a lesson closer to you … in this case, those lessons were pretty close. Of course, one might argue at which point of learning one should engage with the world and where a particular student stands.


    Neville- a Rosh Yeshiva was asked by his talmidim what is Daas Torah on the hostage deal. He responded “You’re toiling in Torah, holding up the world. You shouldn’t wear out your minds and your time on devarim betailim.” This was a story in Yeshiva World News.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I didn’t see the article and certainly didn’t hear what the Rosh Yeshiva said (and don’t even know which RY is being referred to), but I am beyond skeptical that he said not to be נושא בעול עם חברו.

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